🔵 Keep the Tension [Jujae/Jumil]

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Juyeon has never thought of him like that. What changed? How did he not notice all of these things before? His eyes- his nose- his lips- oh, don't get him started on those lips.... (A/N: Oh- the cringe- I'm dying as I write these words 🤡)

He just wanted to ki- "Juyeon! It's time to film!" Juyeon's thought were cut off by the director calling for him to be on set. Oh, right- they were filming their music video. "Juyeon- time for you and Hyunjae to film your parts."

Oh- right.... That's why Juyeon was going through a gay crisis.. All because he has to film some scenes with Lee frickinglyhot Jaehyun- not to mistaken for Jung Jaehyun. (A/N: My bias ain't even Hyunjae but can't deny his visuals-)

Juyeon filmed some scenes with the older male before- why was he having the gay crisis just now? Well- we're never getting an answer to that since the filming was already starting. "Juyeon- Hyunjae- stand by... Action!"

The two group mates started to act out their fighting scene that they have been practicing for that exact moment. Just as Juyeon held Hyunjae by the neck, he stopped. Juyeon stared at the older's lips for a while before snapping out of it.

Juyeon sighed in relief as he continued to act as if he wasn't just staring at Hyunjae's lips as their faces got close to each other. "Great job, boys! You guys may go now." The director says, congratulating the two on their acting.

"Thank you, hyung!" Hyunjae smiled and got ready to go back to the dorms. "Juyeon, let's go?" Juyeon just stared blankly at the older, ignored him and went ahead of him. "Oh... ok then...." Hyunjae sighed and just followed Juyeon.


No one knows when Juyeon started to ignore Hyunjae but here we are. After the two came back from the shoot- all of the members noticed the tension surrounding the two. Hyunaje looked quite indifferent while Juyeon felt a bit colder than usual.

If you ask Juyeon, he'd tell you that he has no idea why he's ignoring Hyunjae. There were only two plausible reasons- he's petty that Hyunaje hit him a bit too hard during the shoot or he's in denial with his feelings.

Juyeon being Juyeon- had no idea which one was true- so, he decides to talk to someone. At first he thought of talking to Eric since they were best friends. Obviously he decided against it for obvious reasons since Eric was.... Eric.

He also thought of talking to Sunwoo and Haknyeon but those two were busy playing games. Younghoon seemed like a good idea but he had a feeling he would tell Hyunjae. Sangyeon seemed like a good choice but nah-

Jacob was always there to listen but Juyeon didn't want to burden the Angel even more. That leaves only Changmin, Chanhee and Kevin left- his 98' liner best friends. Changmin was a no go. The boy would just bite him.

And that's why, here we have Juyeon talking to Chanhee and Kevin in his room in the middle of the night. "Ok- ok- repeat the story once again." Kevin says. Juyeon sighs. "I'm starting to feel weird whenever I'm with Hyunjae hyung..."

"Yesterday's shoot definitely didn't help with that.. Like- as we were filming- I just stopped when our faces got close together and now, I don't know what to do!" Juyeon sighed and flopped on his bed like a dead fish.

Kevin and Chanhee were silent before they started to laugh. Juyeon groaned. "Why are you two laughing at? This is serious!" The two didn't stop laughing though. "Are you really that stupid and slow?" Chanhee asks.

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