🔵 That's Gay- [Sunhak]

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Sunwoo isn't gay. No- he really isn't. He definitely likes girls over boys- especially if the boy is his best friend, Ju Haknyeon. Sunwoo only likes girls's bodies and definitely not Haknyeon's thighs and butt- Sunwoo is not in denial- he's just.... straight.

"Frick- I don't think I'm straight." Sunwoo groaned and buried his head in Hyunjun's pillow. "Wasn't that obvious..." Hyunjun muttered. "To be fair, you were obviously whipped for Haknyeon hyung and yet- you kept on denying it."

Sunwoo glared at the slightly older boy to shut him up. "I wasn't in denial-" "You hear that? That's the voice of a person who's in denial of being in denial and in love with their best friend." "Shut up- fine, I may be in denial with my sexuality but I don't like Hakkie like that.."

Did Hyunjun believe the words coming out of Sunwoo's mouth? Of course not! "Fine- I guess I kinda do like him...." "Kinda?" "Fine- I do. I do like him." Sunwoo says just to please the other. Hyunjun smirked in victory. "Finally! I thought you'd never admit it!"

"This is why I like Eric more than you." Sunwoo scowled. Hyunjun smirked, knowing that that's a lie. "Please, I know you find Eric a bit too loud and energetic for your liking." Sunwoo sighed, knowing what his friend was saying is true.

"But at least his loudness and energetic-ness is endearing.... To Juyeon hyung at least-" Hyunjun snickered. "Anything Eric does is endearing for Juyeon hyung.. That man's whipped-" The two laughed loudly. After they calmed down, they sat there in silence.

None of them knows what to say nor what to do. "But seriously, Sun.. You're gay for Hakkie hyung." Sunwoo huffed and immediately denied it. "I'm not-" "Describe him then. Describe your best friend to me then so that we can see if you actually like him."

Sunwoo was silent for a while. 'Don't over do it... Just- describe him like a normal person...' Sunwoo told himself. "Well... Haknyeon is a 22 year old boy, half-Chinese half-Korean.... His favorite color is blue, he loves pigs.... He likes soft things and food...."

"Whenever we go out to eat, he always loosens his belt to make room for his cute little tummy to expand when he eats a lot.. He's quite short but he still has the perfect body type for anyone to fall in love with... And whenever he sneezes- he sings at the end.."

"He's also very cheerful and happy- unlike me.. Why he became my best friend, I don't know... He was actually the first one to approach me and handed me a cupcake. He never left my side since... Did you know, his favorite cake flavor is red velvet?"

"The reason is quite unreasonable but I think it's quite cute. He said it was because it's the name of the Kpop group and it was the cupcake flavor that brought the both of us together. Have I talked about his laugh? It's so contagious but adorable."

"Don't get me started on his habit of singing everything in rock- hilarious! His voice is really perfect for those types of songs. He also mentioned he wanted to try singing trot- I say go for it." "Ok- that's enough- please stop-"

"Have you seen his collection of stuffed toy pigs? Majority of those- I bought for him. He loves those pigs so I buy him as much as I can." "You can stop now-" "During my birthday- he surprised me and bought me a new usb for my songs-" "MY DUDE- STOP!"

Sunwoo snapped out of his trance and sheepishly grinned. "My dude- you don't like him." "See-" "You LOVE him! Whipped- utterly whipped!" Sunwoo wanted to retort but stopped himself. "Do I actually like him that way?" Hyunjun rolled his eyes. "Yes- yes you do."


"What happened to him?" Hyunjun rolled his eyes and huffed. "Gay awakening." Was all he told the maknae. Eric raised his eyebrows. "Didn't you tell me you and he had a talk two days ago about his feelings for Haknyeon hyung?"

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