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...Mystic Falls, Virginia - Salvatore Boarding House...

It was a calm and even morbid day at Mystic Falls. Jo is dead, Elena is magically in coma and those who still breath wish they didn't.

A black SUV is seen been parked right in front of the Boarding House's door.

Inside the car was Rosalind, Theodore and Hope. After a long travel, they finally arrived at their destination, where Rosalind truly wish to find some comfort and peace for her and her children.

Hope and Theodore cooed from their car seat earning a soft smile from Rosalind. They were staring outside the window with a curious look on their faces, so oblivious at everything.

"It's huge, right?!" Rosalind asks rhetorically at them as she too glances at the big house too "Wait until you both see the inside"

She hears them chuckling as they look excitedly at their mother.

Rosalind exits the car, leaving one window down, of course.

Walking over the front door, she feels her heart almost jumping out of her chest. Sighing, she knocks at the door and waits for anyone, someone to answer.

The door swing opened and Rosalind was met with Damon Salvatore.

Not that she was expecting some welcome party, but his reaction definitely caught her out of guard.

"Hey Dam..." she was cut off by his hand wrapping around her neck and pushing her hardly against the wall as she gasps for air, with a confused frown on her face.

"How are you here?!" Damon snaps rhetorically in anger "Stefan sent you to hell, Silas"

Rosalind frowned even more as she tries to free herself, without hurting him.

"It's me Damon" she manages to say as he squeezed her neck harder.

Suddenly, more familiar faces exited the Boarding House, especially after hearing the loud noises.

"What is..." Caroline starts as her, Bonnie and Stefan walked out of the door "DAMON!"

Rosalind grabs his wrist and twist it until she hears a satisfactory snap, before twisting his arms behind his back and pushing him against the floor, immobilizing him with one of her heels while she still holds his twisted arm.

"It wasn't exactly the reception I was waiting after a long car ride" Rosalind says as she looks at their stunned faces.

"Rosie?" Bonnie asks hesitantly and the blonde scoffs.

"No, Easter Bunny" Rosalind smiles sarcastically "what kind of question is that Bonnie?"

Before any of them could answer, they hear a painful groan coming from behind them.

"What has my arm ever done to you?" Damon asks, still tackled at the ground.

"Chocked me, your asshole" Rosalind answers, before releasing his arm and helping him to stand on his feet "you're lucky I am in good mood"

He adjusts his clothes and rubs his arm.

"In my defense, you were the last person we were waiting to visit us" Damon says.

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