Deep Breath

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I can't deny I am more relaxed, but the idea of standing in front of his pack while he introduces me as his mate is nerve-wracking. I would rather stand back while he does the introduction without having all of their eyes on me! Don't get me wrong. They have to do with my mate so that I will be involved. I'm not too fond of being the center of attention, let alone having his entire pack staring me down as he announces it.

"Mate, I had one of the she-wolves go and get you a proper dress for the event. I know you may not like it, but it is needed!" Zane stated.

There is no way in hell I am getting into some ridiculous outfit to be paraded around in front of his pack in some frilly dress or crap. I groaned as one of the she-wolves I had never seen before came in with a dress bag. Ugh! Here we go, I thought.

Taking a deep breath, I gathered the strength to get all dolled up for this farce of an introduction.

I noticed Zane standing against the wall, grinning as if amused.

"You're just loving this, aren't you?" I questioned him.

He grinned knowingly at my uncomfortable situation as he nodded his head.

"Anna, show her the dress," Zane spoke. I shook my head as the woman unzipped the dress bag. Anna pulled a beautiful red gown from the dress bag. The embellishments made it shimmer stunningly. Crystal's embellished the gown's bodice as the light rays caused them all to shimmer and reflect stunning colors.

I stood in awe of the dress. I had never seen something so beautiful in my life. How could I tell my mate I didn't want to get into that get-up when it was this stunning? I sighed, knowing there was no way to avoid wearing this dress. I conceded to the fact there was no way around it! I smiled at Zane as I rolled my eyes to show my displeasure with the situation.

"Do you not like the dress?" Zane asked.

"It's not that I don't like the dress! It is stunning, yet that doesn't mean I want to wear that get-up!" I replied snippily.

Zane laughed, knowing there was no way I was getting out of this, and he seemed to enjoy that little fact.

Zane walked out of the room while Anna began helping me dress in this shimmering catastrophe; well, it is a catastrophe for me; I hate dresses! Once I slipped into the snug form-fitting dress, I looked into the full-length mirror on the back of the bathroom door. I was amazed! I had never seen myself in the manner the mirror was reflecting. I smiled, knowing Anna wanted to do my hair and makeup, which I usually do without much flair.

Anna worked her fingers and brushed through my hair for what seemed like forever when she tapped me gently on the shoulder. I looked up into the mirror and was flabbergasted at my appearance. Taking a deep breath, I walked out of the room, knowing Zane and Chad were waiting for me. They wanted to get this done, but something was screaming within me that something was wrong! I can only describe it as if something is coming or waiting for me, unnerving me.

I knew Allatou was feeling the same way I was. She continued to resonate a low growl from the dark recesses of my mind as if she wanted to stay in the shadows. That unnerved me further. She is typically the first to be tickled pink to go full out and tear anything apart. I shook my head as I continued walking down the hallway towards the stairs, where I knew I would find one of my mates.

I knew there was no backing out of this, so I proceeded to walk down the stairs. I noticed Chad at the bottom of the stairs waiting for me, which made me feel better about this situation. I finally got down the stairs without toppling down them or breaking my neck in these three-inch heels, which amazed me!

"You look stunning, mate!" Chad whispered into my ear.

"Thank you! I wish that would take away the bad feeling I have, also! Something is screaming at me that something is going to happen." I replied.

Chad looked at me with an expression of dismay, then looked around us, expecting an attack or something to occur. I reached out, placing my hand on his to calm him down a touch. This whole situation could be one that can go to hell in a handbasket very quickly.

I attempted to draw my attention to something much more hot; my mate in a suit! My mouth began to water, wanting to run my tongue all over him, which caused my core to start heating up. Damn, he is so hot! A whine escaped from me as my eyebrow raised at my mate. He grinned widely at me.

"Like what you see, do you?" He questioned.

"Indeed! I wish we could go back upstairs this moment!" I spoke as I bit my bottom lip.

Chad chuckled and shook his head no as he offered me his arm like a gentleman. I draped my arm through his arm as he escorted me from the house. I began to see many pack members gathering around a stage that seemed to sprout up from nowhere. It hadn't been there earlier in the day.

We began to approach the large white wooden stage. The banister was a metal gold-covered banister as if it were for someone important. I know I am unimportant to anyone outside my friends, family, and mates. Taking a deep breath, I began to walk up the steps to where Zane was standing, facing me, waiting. I smiled at him, hoping he didn't see the utter uncertainty on my face.

As I reached the top of the steps, I took Zane's hand as he brushed his thumb over the top of my hand. I smiled sweetly at him as he nodded. This is it! I will be introduced as his mate and their, um, Luna. The thought of that blew my mind, but I knew I needed to get my emotions under control before I snapped under the stress.

Zane led me toward the front of the stage, where the pack members stared at me with a range of emotions showing on their faces. Some I could tell hated me before a word was spoken. Others seemed accepting.

"I am here to announce to everyone that I have found my mate! You shall treat her with the same respect you would show me. I warn you that if you disrespect her, you may end up with more than you can handle. Her wolf, Allatou, will not accept nor will tolerate any disrespect! You have been warned. Let's welcome your new Luna to the pack!" Zane finished.

A voice broke through the chatter from below, sending Allatou into a frenzy and sending massive chills down my spine as if there was a significant danger here!

"Allatou! You belong to no one except Davin, and he is coming for you now!" A sadistic laugh echoed from somewhere in the mass of pack members.

Alpha Zane ~PossessionUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum