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I growled as I thrashed within Zane's arms wanting release as Ester rushed into the room seeing what was taking place.

"Let me down!" I growled out.

"Alla, still!" Slash growled out as anger filled his voice.

I could feel Allatou trying to take control to make me still within his arms, but I fought against her. I will not be subdued when I want to rush forward towards the man, I considered my father. As I gazed over to him, I saw his face fill with rage at me being restrained against my will.

"Release my daughter, Now!" Alpha Trevor demanded.

Zane looked at him with confusion not realizing there was any connection between us as he gently began to release his hold.

"Please Zane, I want to go to him, but I promise I shall return to you." I whined to him in a pleading fashion.

He sighed as he gently set me on the floor as the pain rushed harshly forward crushing back into me, I gasped as I leaned forward resting my hands on my knees. I had no idea a simple act of walking to dad would be such a big to do...Wrong! It felt as though my knees would buckle under my own weight as Ester rushed forward encompassing me with her arm around me helping me stand upright. A growl ripped from another at the table, and I knew that growl...it was my estranged brother.

"What the hell have you done to my sister you bastard?" Chris growled out.

"I have done nothing to your sister, therefore I had you all called here, we are trying to find out what is happening to us. It is not just her; I am being affected as well." Zane replied.

They all looked from Zane to myself as I slowly circled the table avoiding getting too close to any of the Alpha's at the table. Dad stood up as he quickly rushed forward taking me in his arms and placing a kiss on top of my head.

"I have been out of my mind worrying about you both! Why did no one check in with me on what was going on?" He growled low.

"Dad, I don't even know what is happening...it happened so fast one minute she was fine. Well until she fell and hit her head on a marble floor, then it seemed like all hell broke loose. Zane and his warriors came into the suite. She was unconscious for some time from a head wound. I tried doing sutures on her, vomit worthy I must admit. Never again will I do that! Then she began acting weird. Dad, I don't understand but it is like something is trying to tear her apart inside." Ester scrambled out.

His face dropped as he took in my condition; he gently placed his hand on my skin noticing it was extraordinarily hot even for a werewolf. He took a deep sniff in as if he was trying to see if my scent had changed, his brows furrowed as if he was pondering something.

"Exactly when did you start feeling like this Shel?" He asked.

"Um, well I guess when I woke up in the bedroom seeing Zane in the doorway." I replied.

He made a nose as if he was thinking deeply as to what connection Zane would have in this.

"He's my mate, so is Chad." I replied before he could question.

"No, there is no way I am allowing either of them to mate with you Shel! They are not good enough for you!" Chris growled as he tried to approach.

Allatou pushed me back fully without warning as she came forward with a vengeance.

"You will back away, or you shall be lying on the floor trying to put your guts back inside!" She growled out as our eyes bore into his.

His face paled at her words not understanding what was going on, but he stepped back when Slash began walking forward growling viciously as his gaze locked on Chris. Chris stumbled backwards a few steps then grabbed the back of his chair lowering himself once more. Fear evident on his face as he must have realized Allatou's were a blunt truth he was not prepared for. 

Dad wrapped his arms around me in a protective fashion as Chad walked in from behind Zane coming in my direction. As he grew closer, he bowed his head to his uncle as he reached for me. I looked up into his eyes as worry and anger filled them. 

I know all of this had to have taken a toll on him as well. I spun as I wrapped my arms around him as he pulled me tight to him as his scent engulfed me in seconds. A whine escaped from me as I buried my face into his chest. Zane growled low showing his disapproval of Chad touching me.

He kept me within his grasp as we walked towards Zane as he placed me between them as I began to feel like the filling in a sandwich...well that could be interesting Allatou chimed in. I grinned to myself knowing now Allatou is a perv as well.

"We called all of you here to see if you know what may be happening to Shel and me...it is as if something is trying to tear itself from us and it isn't our wolves." Zane informed them all.

Their expressions paled as dad walked back to his chair and sank down as Ester stood at his side. A few had curious expressions as I could tell questions were brewing within them.

"What are your wolves' names?" An unknown Alpha asked.

"Alpha Blake, our wolves' names are Slash and Allatou." He deadpanned waiting to see the reaction in the room.

If someone reacted, we knew they knew more than they initially let on. Several werewolf Alpha's gasped in shock and total disbelief. One began shaking his head no as his color paled to a shocking pale tone. Was that fear I was seeing written all over his face which still hasn't stopped shaking from side to side?

"It can't be Allatou!" He growled out as fear laced his words.

"My wolf's name is Allatou! I know most books or anything tangible about her has been destroyed when it comes to information...so what do you know?" I snarled.

His eyes looked up at me locking with my own as he questions if I was just full of shit or if I was being totally honest. My expression never wavering I felt Allatou coming forward wanting to make herself fully known. I hate it when someone basically calls me a liar directly to my face.

"Do I need to whisper for you Alpha?" She growled out in disdain.

Believe it or not I could swear he paled even more than he had already, now his body began to tremble as if he wanted to shift or run away as fast as he can. Zane nodded to his warriors who had been standing behind us as they walked towards the panicking Alpha. As two warriors stood behind him prepared incase he decided to lash or at us, if he is stupid enough to that is. 

Alpha Zane ~PossessionWhere stories live. Discover now