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I never thought when I found my mate or mates in this case I would ever feel betrayed like I do now. How could he be with that human? Even after he knew about me he went to her, fucked her, and called her his girlfriend. My heart felt as part of it was shattering as Allatou growled from within wanting to kill the human half of her mate. 

"Claire, please come back!" I heard Zane call out to me through our link.

"You shall NEVER have me again, you  made your choice when you protected her from me! I am sorry Slash, I know how you and Allatou need one another badly. It is not you who betrayed us, it is his fault!" I growled out through the link.

My breath shuttered as tears streamed down my face, the rage turning into a tortured pain within me. Chad wrapped his arms tighter around me trying to reassure me that he would not allow Zane to harm me further. As a heartbreaking howl filled with agony and devastation echoed through the link. Allatou whimpered deep within my mind knowing her heart was suffering due to Zane.

I felt the vehicle growing further away from Zane as I tried to regain my normal breathing which was a struggle unto itself. When I heard my mom  speak softly to me.

"My Sweet, I know he was wrong for what he has done. Yet I think he may have stepped in the way trying to prevent you from feeling guilt if you had dispatched that human." 

"I would have felt no guilt mom, I would have felt justified!" I growled low. 

All of a sudden I heard Richard's voice within our link. 

"Claire, I think you need to get back here now! Shit has hit the fan and I am not sure if anyone can stop it outside of you." His voice spoke shakily. 

"None of it is my concern any longer Richard. I know you are my brother and you are welcome to join us. Though if I find out you tell Zane where I am or anything including that you are coming to me I shall let my anger loose on you as well." I deadpanned.

"Are you happy now mate? She is dead!" Zane growled through our link.

My eyebrows furrowed wondering what had occurred after we left. Regardless if he l killed her now after the fact, after he stood between us protecting her it does not change my feelings! It baffled me that now he would do this when he could have just as easily stood at my side supporting his mate over this pathetic human! A growled ripped from within feeling the anger once again rising within me. 

"Do not let him make you think he did this my heart. I did it! Humans are the problem, they are the reason I am once again without my true mate, my everything! I need you more than any word can convey my love. Now all humans shall pay the price along with any who get in my way. I am coming for you  my heart!"

A whine escaped through my lips as Allatou cried out for her mate. My heart broke for her knowing they had been separated before when all they wanted was one another. Allatou began clawing at my insides demanding release. 

"Find a wooded area driver, my wolf needs out right now before she snaps totally." I spoke sternly.

The vehicle pulled down an old dirt road where there was no signs of anyone being here in a long time. Once the vehicle stopped I swiftly opened the door as soon as my foot hit the ground Allatou took control as my body shifted within seconds. 

She sprinted down the old dirt road as swiftly as she could as growls and snarls ripped through our teeth. The rage built within us as the primal seemed to spring to life once more, Slash was not wrong on one thing. Humans are the problem! Allatou growled out as that thought ran though our head. 

I knew this would not be good if she encountered any humans within these woods or a town if she continued running. All I could do was hold my breath within while Allatou had full control as she forced me back needing to be forefront right now. I heard several calling my name from behind us as I suddenly heard a growl rip out from behind me. I knew it had to be Chad. 

"Mate, where are you going?" I heard Chad call through the link.

"Allatou has full control mate, she snapped. The through of losing Slash once again and blaming all humans for it. She is extremely dangerous right now, she is out for blood plain and simple. Well that along with a undeniably need for Slash." I answered him.

"Richard? What happened?" I reached out through the link.

"He snapped. Slash took control and shifted on the spot as Shannon began to panic backing away from him. She managed to sprint by him and out of the house as she screamed realizing she was as good as dead. She cried out to him to help her not chase her but Slash growled viciously at her. When her balance faltered he lunged at her pinning her flat the the ground. As he drooled as his snarls came out with vicious intent I think she realized she was about to die. He grabbed ahold of her neck clamping down on it as he began to thrash. Needless to say she is no longer in one solid piece." Richard replied. 

A purr released from Allatou knowing her heart had killed the human for her. 

"Thank you, My heart." Allatou whined out.

"Always, my love!" Slash replied sounding as if he was broken within.

My heart ached for them knowing they had spent so much time away from one another and now Zane has caused it so they would not be together now. I felt guilt knowing I am part of the reason, but Zane is the one who kept fucking a human and then protected her. As I realized Allatou was still running I began to wonder where she was taking us. 

"Allatou, where are we going?" I asked. 

A low rumble escaped from her but she did not reply to my question. She continued sprinting through the woods as if she knew exactly where she was going. She wouldn't be running back to the pack would she? My heart sank at the idea she was taking us back to Slash and Zane. I cleared my head and just hoped she was not doing that exact thing. I in no way want to be anywhere near Zane, and when he spoke the words are you happy now to me I could tell he was not happy about it at all. I should have known it was Slash who ended her. 

"I am so sorry mate!" Zane called out as emotion sounded through the link. 

Was he crying for the dead human or at the loss of me. My mind was all over the place not knowing what to believe anymore. Why couldn't we have had a honest and straight forward bond like Allatou and Slash has? I will say I am very envious of them. I got stuck with a self centered asshole of an Alpha. As I tried to calm my throughs down I knew I would not reply to Zane, let him hurt like he has made me hurt. I growled to myself. 

Suddenly Allatou began to slow her run, as I began to wonder what was going on. I could see we were coming into a clearing, maybe she was going to lay down on the grass and take a break and just breath the fresh air. I thought. 

Just as I was expecting her to lower us to the green grass she let a soft howl escape from us. Confusion filled my mind, what is she doing? That is when I saw him! Slash in all his slender stepping out from the trees on the other side of the clearing. She took us right back to him! I growled out in rage. NO! I yelled within my head. 

Alpha Zane ~PossessionWhere stories live. Discover now