United Once Again

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After all of the abuse I endured over the lifetimes to have my mate once again at my side felt like a dream. I looked into his eyes seeing Slash there and not Zane. My heart fluttered as feeling his presence close to me.

"It has been far to long , my love." I all but whispered out to him.

"My heart, I tried finding you so many times. I feel I failed in protecting you from all the harm that had come unto you." He sighed out as sadness filled his voice.

"Never think that , my love. I know you did everything you could to try and find me. I would never want you to suffer with those feelings. You are my everything, as you know." I whispered against his neck.

His scent surrounded me as I felt as if the unrelenting tether between us finally was not pulling against one another to the point of snapping. It in fact was pulling us closer together as his body pressed against my own. I am finally where I belong! I thought. I smiled against his neck as surges of passion washed over me. I want my mate, I need my mate and I shall have my mate! I growled to myself.

A deep rumbling began to vibrate against the base of my neck as a whine escaped from between my lips. He is going to make me burn alive if he doesn't act on our feelings soon. I began nipping at his throat in threat of my pure need. He laughed out deeply as his growl resonated along with it. I smiled as my cheeks turned bright red knowing he could always tease me senseless. 

"Stop teasing me." I whined out as I nipped him again.

"Me tease?" He feigned innocence.

I rolled my eyes at him knowing he was the most adorable thing I had ever seen, well when he is his true self giving me those innocent eyes. While he is holding Zane's form, not so much. Zane had the aura of pure danger and threat to everyone. I took a deep breath as I began running my tongue along Slash's bottom lip as I nipped it gently. 

He moaned softly as he pulled me closer to himself taking control of our kiss, dominating my mouth as his tongue swirled with my own. A muffled whine of need escaped from me as he grasped the back of my head forcefully. A deep growl vibrated against my tongue and lips as I grinned into his kiss. 

Suddenly I felt his clawed hand tearing at my shirt as I began trying to relieve him of his own clothes as well. I could feel his claws tearing into my flesh gently which sent chills of pure desire through me as he grabbed me tossing me onto my back. His black eyes bore into mine as his need was clear, his restraint nil. He leaned forward as I was fumbling to remove the shreds of clothing left on me. 

He dipped his head against my neck as he began kissing gently then began running his hot wet tongue down to my nipples. Nipping feverishly at them, I cried out in pure delight at having my love once more.

He kissed from my one nipple to the other as he ran the tip of his tongue around the nipple teasing it as he blew gently as well. Surges of pleasure sparked to life within me. I reached up grasping his hair firmly in my hand as my claws dug gently into his scalp. A low rumble came from him as it seemed I sent a spark of electricity through him as he began feverishly trying to devour me.

Moans filled the room as he aggressively flipped me over as only two words escaped his beautiful lips. 

"Hands and knees" 

I obeyed his demand without hesitation as I could feel him kneeling behind me as he leaned over kissing my back. As his kisses arrived at the base of my neck I whined out, in our wolves he would bite me there. Yet, in this form...a sigh began to form within me when I felt his teeth sink deep at the base of my neck biting down firmly. I cried out at the sudden feeling as he gave no warning, he drove himself deep within me filling me completely. 

Cries of pleasure escaped from me as he began fucking me fast and aggressively. He remained locked down on my neck as he pounded within me swiftly making my muscles within submit to his large girth. 

"My soul!" I whined out as I came hard and fast.

He released my neck as he began running his tongue over the bite marks knowing he has claimed me for all to see. No it was not Zane's marking this was his! He began to slow his thrusts as he gripped my hips tightly ramming himself in deeply until he was fully seated with in me. I felt him swelling in girth and knew he was close himself, I began riding him from my position as he moaned out in sheer pleasure. His seed spilled out within me filling me fully as he lowered himself over me wrapping his arms around me bringing us to our side.

"I so have missed you my heart." He whispered against my ear.

"As I have you! It has been far to long and I no longer can be without you my soul. It had started killing me." I whispered to him as the honesty rolled off my tongue.

His eyes widened seeing the exhaustion within my eyes knowing my words were true. I had not mentioned it to anyone, not even Shelly. Yes, I know she should have been one of the first to know but I couldn't bring myself to tell her. 

"How long have you known?" He questioned with a low growl.

"I have known some time now. I couldn't introduce myself to her and then tell her me being without you was killing me, could I have?" I questioned him.

"I guess not. Yet, I needed to know this and that asshole Zane is the one who kept us apart with his ignorance. He should have followed their car that day but he just turned and went to Shannon instead." Slash growled out viciously knowing he could have lost his true love.

"I don't want anything to do with him, I agree with Shelly. I wouldn't want to feel betrayed as I do and expected to allow him to claim me. He claimed her but not me!" I grumbled out.

"Nor shall he my soul. You and Shelly are Mine now, ONLY MINE!" He answered with a possessive growl as he kissed my neck gently.

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