Chapter 8 ~Confrontation

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        I do apologize this chapter is a bit longer, there was just so much and it all came at poor fingers lol. This and the next chapter kind of all came at once, so I did divide them up. I wasn't going to do that to you all. I do hope you are enjoying the story thus far and enjoy the new chapters. 

        I must admit I do not mind having Chad around watching over me, it is weird we flirted a little bit in our little ways. We finally reached the boarder of the Black Lake pack, my old home I felt my nerves seize my stomach making me feel ill. Chad must have felt something as his eyes turned to me raising an eyebrow, his beautiful green eyes piercing into mine. Suddenly the nerves seizing my stomach turned into something completely I have butterflies in my stomach? Being under his gaze began to make my body react to him in unusual ways, well unusual to me anyways. I felt my core heating up as moisture built between my legs. I eyes grew wide as his eyes turned black, I remember Ester mentioning to me that when a male wolf smelt arousal in a female his eyes would turn black with desire and passion and wanting. I guess the feelings that are building towards Chad are mutual. I grinned at him as my cheeks flushed as I bit my lip. He took a deep breath, as a deep growl rumbled from Chad, my eyes grew wide as I felt myself wanting Chad in more than a friend capacity.

        I shook my head wanting to just get this over with, as we arrived at the gate to the pack the guard stood firmly in front of the gate denying access to the pack. I growled as I threw the door open climbing out of the SUV, Chad growled as he threw his own door open walking over to me. As I began walking towards the guard Chad placed his hand on my lower back, oh he is going to drive my hormones insane with him touching me. The look on Chad's face was fierce, he was ready to rip this guard up for even challenging me.

        "Open this gate now!" I demanded.

       "Who do you think you are to give me orders? I only take orders from my Alpha and that is not you! Leave before I have other warriors come and make you leave!" He growled out at me.

      "I am Shelly Larson the daughter of Alpha Chandler Larson, and I DEMAND you open this gate this very moment!" I growled out in response.

        The guards' eyes grew wide as he bowed his head to me opening the gates straight away as he backed away. Chad and I walked back to the vehicle and climbed in; I gave Zeke the directions how to get to my house so I could gather my stuff. Ester looked at me seeing how furious I was, she placed her hand over mine and nodded.

       "We will get your stuff and get out of here; I know how uncomfortable you are here. I am sorry but you need closer Shel." Ester almost whispered.

I nodded at Ester as we continued driving through what I always thought was our small town. Seeing the small shops coming into vision with people filling the street smiling and laughing. I sighed; I do miss some of the people, but I want no part of the lies.

        The guard at the gate picked up his cell phone dialing the Alpha quickly trying to inform him of his sisters' arrival.

        "Alpha, you won't believe it...your sister! She demanded entrance into the pack. Yes Alpha, No Alpha I am not sure where she is headed." He replied. 

        Christian slammed the phone down as he knew it would take him a little bit to get to the other side of his lands. He was helping an elder with repairs on their small house yet excused himself and shifted on the spot and began running. As his large paws slammed down onto the ground, he grew closer to his house, he wanted his sister, he wanted to say he was sorry and to beg her to come home.

        "So, this is your house, Shelly? Its pretty. If you want to make this quick, we will do it as fast as we can. Whatever you want to do Shelly, its all your call." Ester stated.

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