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The unspoken promise of Slash's soothed us to the point of calmness washing over us. I know Allatou has been frenzied to get back to him. Her  being so content is overwhelming as is happiness to have her mate back once again. I will admit I even feel it, him claiming me along with his heart felt amazing. I am truly his!

The feeling in knowing that had an overwhelming calming effect over me, but how is this going to work. He can't remain in Zane's form permanently so where does that leave us? My heart ached knowing that Zane had known about me and was still with that human, am I suppose to just forgive him? I won't deny I do miss him some but he was not honest with me which tore me open more than he will ever understand. 

"My heart?" Slash spoke through the link.

"Yes, I am here. Is something wrong?" Allatou questioned.

"I am going to release Zane for a while, I want you to go back to our room please. Remain there until I call for you please. I know neither of you are ready to see him as of yet. Let alone I am not sure if I would be able to control myself if he went near you at this point." Slash replied.

"We will be in our room. We are hungry, could you please have food sent to us before you allow him control?" I asked.

"It's as good as done mate. I love you!" He whispered through our link. 

I had to smile at his sweet heart and how much he cares about us. He is a true mate, always thinking of us before himself. I sighed out knowing I better hurry back to our room as I had went out wandering the hallways. As I arrived back at my room I noticed the door was ajar. I wondered who would have entered my room, especially this one. I took a shuttering breath as I opened the door to see E and Chad sitting on the couch talking. Talk about a sense of relief, I laughed to myself. 

"Hey, I was wondering where you both were. What are you up to?" I asked them.

"Well for one we were wondering where you have been, and what is going on regarding Zane?" Chad replied.

"I was with Slash, I haven't encountered Zane. Slash had let me know he was going to let Zane out and to stay in this room to keep us safe. I had been looking for you for a short while now, how did you know I would be in here?" I asked. 

"Ah, we saw Slash apparently before he let Zane out." E replied. 

"I wonder how bad Zane is going to lose it when he finds out he will not have any contact with me. I hope he will keep himself composed at the least." I spoke calmly.

My nerves were as if they were sparking wildly, part of me wanted to see Zane. Well no the conscious part that is for sure. Where the other part of me doesn't want to see him due to his betrayal. 

"I don't know if I can get over it honestly, Chad. " I whispered out as pain broke my words.

Suddenly interrupting our conversation a light knock came at the door as Chad answered it. He wheeled a cart into the room which was full of plates of food. All different kinds, from steaks, chicken, and even pasta's. How can I complain about that I laughed. He pushed the cart further into the room as he returned to lock the door securely. 

As we sat down together we picked through the dishes of food seeing who would like what to eat, I found exactly what I had wanted. Yes, perhaps it is corny but I grabbed ahold of the hot turkey dinner that was there. I hadn't had one of these since my mom was still with us as a kid. As we all began to eat the sound of yelling began to fill the hallway as if something was happening. I knew what Slash had told me and there was no way I was going out there.

"Where is she? Where is my mate? Tell me now!" He growled viciously at someone.

I am guessing no one answered him considering the yelling never stopped. There was stomping down the hallway along with loud growling, I knew he was infuriated that he didn't know where I was. He will just have to deal with it for now until I decide otherwise. Unless Slash prevents it all together. I am curious about that now considering he said we are his and no others. Was he referring to Zane? I wondered.

As the hours went on the growling and smashing of glass continued. Finally the violence seemed to calm down as the hallways went silent once more. I took a deep breath knowing this had to be tearing Zane up and it bothered me. I could feel his torment in not knowing what had happened to me. Yes, perhaps I am being petty but I have feelings also.

"My mate? It's Slash." He spoke through our link.

"He has exhausted himself after all of the damage he has done searching for you. That is why I took the chance to link you. He has been going crazy trying to find out where you are. I am not sure how long we can keep this up without him losing his mind." Slash informed me.

"I...I am not sure I can deal with him yet." I whined out.

"You're going to have to. If you care about him at all this needs to be done to protect his mental state. He is worried sick about you and is panicking not knowing if you are alright." Slash replied.

I sighed knowing he was right and I would have to take the werewolf by the claws and deal with this before it could get any worse. I can't deny I loved my time with him, I love him. Shocking myself with those words I took a deep breath and walked to the door opening it up. I could feel my body trembling at the mere idea of going near him.

I began walking down the hallway towards Zane's bedroom knowing if he was exhausted he should be there. I reached his door and slowly began opening it as I noticed Zane balled up on his bed as if he were in pain as soft whines escaped him. My heart felt as though it was being torn apart. Taking a deep breath it clicked within me that I couldn't allow him to go through this pain over his choices. 

I slowly walked up to the bed and climbed on it draping myself around him as I nuzzled my face into his neck. Within moments a low growl vibrated from him as his head spun locking his sad eyes with my own. 

"I'm here." I whispered out.

He buried his head against my chest wrapping himself around me as if he were unsure I was real. He remained like this as soon after I began to hear soft snoring coming from him. I moved slightly so I could lay with him as his snores lulled me into slumber.

Alpha Zane ~PossessionWhere stories live. Discover now