Alpha's will be Alpha's

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"You're not going anywhere with my mate!" A vicious growl ripped through the room.

When Zane looked up in the general direction of the voice, he knew it was the mate Allatou mentioned. As far as he was concerned, her having another mate made his blood boil, but if that was meant to be in this time for him to also be her mate, then he would have to work with her in regard to him.... or not! A vicious growl tore from Zane in the direction of the voice. Wanting to silence it he doubted this other 'mate' was an Alpha as he hence needed to show respect.

Rage tore through Chad knowing that this Alpha through he could take his mate and do whatever he desired with her! Chad's blood began to boil as images flashed within his mind of what this Alpha could do to his sweet fragile mate. Chad stepped forward pushing at the guards within his path to make his way to his little mate knowing she was injured when her hand slipped from his own. Yes, guilt tore at him knowing she had been injured because his firm grip faltered when the ding of the elevator rang through the room.

Of course, he was angry with himself knowing she had been injured to where she was cut and bleeding, regardless of whether this Alpha and Ester sutured his little mate.

"Baby, please answer me...I just hear your breathing and heartbeat!" Chad called out to her.

"She is unconscious, she got shocking news on top of the injury which shocked her system I believe. She is fine just asleep." Zane growled out trying to be cordial knowing if he were at Chad's place he would want to know.

"What shocking news?" Chad demanded.

"This is not the time!" Zane growled out.

Zane's warriors would not allow Chad any closer than ten feet, they obstructed his way completely. Chad had always known he was stronger than normal warriors regardless of the reason. He was aware one day he would have to inquire what information his Alpha had about his parents. Perhaps now that this Alpha has made an appearance it is time to suck it up and finally ask. Meanwhile he needed to go to his mate, and he knew he could take these warriors without breaking a sweat...hmm he pondered.

Chad wondered if he took on the warriors how this Alpha would react to him dispatching his warriors while he went to his mate. He sighed knowing if he did this it would endanger Ester and his friends who came with them. He turned and walked into the room Shelly and him shared as their mixed scents filled the room. He inhaled deeply craving his mate within his arms, to shield her from all of this craziness. He decided it was time to bite the bullet and find out the information he thought he would never ask about his parents from his Alpha.

He picked up his phone pressing the number two on his phone and hitting send. He lifted it to his ear as he heard it ringing as he tried to calm his breathing. Finally, a deep voice came through on the other side of the phone.

"How are my girls?" The Alpha asked.

"Alpha, things have become extremely complicated. They are safe I swear this, but I called to see if I could finally ask you after all these years about my parents. Can you please tell me about them?" Chad requested of his Alpha.

"I will tell you about them but then I want you to answer me and explain what is complicated about my girls!" He deadpanned.

Chad nodded regardless of his Alpha not being able to see him do so.

"Yes Alpha!" He replied.

"I have waited for this day for so long, but you never seemed as if you wanted to know. Of course, I do want to know what changed your mind, but I will tell you about them first. Now where do I start?" He spoke calmly.

"Who were they? Also, I was wondering how it is that I am stronger than normal warriors...I have always wondered that." Chad asked.

"Your parents were amazing Chad, to answer your question about why you are stronger...let me tell you who your parents were. Your parents were Alpha Xavier Dante and Luna Alice Lynn Dante. They were the leaders of the Wolf Call pack a few hours from this pack. I was very good friends with them. Some pack had come in and attacked many times and your parents wanted you protected. They had contacted me and asked me to take you into my pack for your protection, but then who ever had been attacking the pack killed your parents. I had gone to check on them and found their bodies...I will admit it killed me within. Do you know why you never had really any responsibilities unless you requested them? Why did you live in my home even though eventually you wanted to live with the other warriors?" He asked Chad.

"No, I just assumed you were taking care of me nothing more." He replied.

"I am your uncle Chad. Yes, your father and I have different last names, but your mother was my sister. Therefore, I always took a special interest in you and why I trusted you with the girls. You never had to call me Alpha, but when you were young you didn't want to be looked at differently than the other pups, so you began calling me Alpha." He informed Chad.

Chad felt like he was just slammed by a moving brick wall. So, the man he grew up calling Alpha was his uncle...his actual family! A spark lit within him at the thought of having family alive.

"Uncle? I am going to give you a quick rundown of things...I don't have long I need to get back to Shel. I am her mate, yet she apparently has another one as well. I don't know how to deal with that information, but he is keeping me from her at the momen.... wait! That means I am an Alpha?" Chad stammered out.

His uncle laughed deeply into the phone wondering how long it would take for him to catch on to who his parents actually were. Chad's jaw dropped wide as realization finally slammed into him...would Shel fear him now if she knew he was an Alpha?

"What happened to my family's pack, Uncle?" Chad asked. 

"After I had found your parents, I had also found a few that had attacked the pack learning information about who did it and that is when I gathered my forces and attacked theirs. Your pack land still stands. We actually have pack members who live there and take care of it as well. Some are family and others are just members who desired a more secluded pack. I hope you do not mind. The lands are yours anytime you are ready to take your proper place son." He told Chad.

"Thank you, Uncle, I will think about this. I really need to get back and now that I know I am an Alpha I think it is time this other Alpha and I have a little talk." Chad growled through the phone.

"Be safe and keep my girls safe Chad please!" The Alpha spoke as the line went dead.

Chad took a deep breath wanting to rip the warriors apart and then this other Alpha! Chad walked to the door not knowing how to portray an Alpha outside of how he saw his uncle conduct himself. The voice, no clue how to control an Alpha tone but at the moment my voice I don't care about just need the strength to toss these warriors out of my path!

Chad threw the bedroom door wade as it crashed into the wall as he strode into the main area of the suite.

"I demand you let me see my mate this instant!" Chad growled out viciously.

"She is fine, she sleeps." A deep rough voice replied.

A growl ripped from Chad, one he had never experienced or heard was deeper, more vicious and reflected impending danger. Suddenly several of the warriors moved aside clearing the view from the back of the couch leaving this Alpha holding my mate while another male stood close to them. He began walking forward intently peering at his unconscious mate in other werewolves' arms which was not setting well with him one ounce.

"I will take my mate, thank you!" Chad growled out.

The werewolf holding her stood and turned to face Chad with a smirk on his lips.

"Do you think I am endangering her?" He asked.

"I can see you just holding...My Mate!" Chad spat out.

"Are you seeking to be technical or in general? If we are speaking technically, she has been my wolf's mate for over five hundred years. Would you like to continue with who is who's mate? I am not denying you may also be mated to her, but my wolf has been going insane and at this instant will not remain settled unless she is in our arms. He is vicious and the most dangerous werewolf there has ever been...I do advise caution with your replies." Zane replied.

Alpha Zane ~PossessionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon