It's Coming!

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I heard that growl again as it seemed I couldn't pull my eyes from Zane's, as if it were being held there entranced leaving me no choice. My breathing now came out as soft pants as pain continued to shoot through me. I don't understand what is happening to me and Allatou has been relatively quiet and not helping me figure this out. I heard one of his men in the background saying we had to go, wait...where are we going and why? My memory hazy since the point I woke up in this room. What is going on with me? 

Was I injured more than I had realized when I hit the floor? So many questions running through my mind as pain surged through me as I wanted to scream out in agony but held it within outside of soft whimpers which escaped. Clasping to Zane as if my entire existence depended upon it, my naked body trembling against his as the heat radiated from his naked body. A whine escaped our lips as Allatou craved her mate but was unsure where they stood. Had he mated another? Without realizing it my claws extended sinking deeply into the back side of his ribcage as I pulled myself closer to his body. His scent filling my lungs as something in me cried out to something within wasn't me!

I wanted to devour the beast of a werewolf before me, to run my tongue all over his naked body as I could feel him pull me closer. I maneuvered my body to wrap my legs around his waist as I released my claws and slid them up around his neck as I felt the intense panting increasing. I need him more than breath itself! I nuzzled my face into the crook of his neck as his heat radiated from him along with sheer Alpha power as a low deep growl mixed with a purr escaped from me. Feeling his hard shaft pressing against me made my core heat to an excruciating level from the need to feel him within me.

I have to admit, I want him not just the other parts of me. I whined out, need clear as he nuzzled his face deep into my neck as sparks seemed to surge through us as the sheer need increased. A low deep growl escaped from between my lips as I clung tighter to his hard hot body as he slipped his large rough hands over my hips to my ass grasping it tightly. The sensation of his hands clasping tightly to my ass ignited the fire within me further as whimpers and whines escaped from me. Suddenly I felt him holding me tighter to his body as he began to rise from the floor lifting me along with him as if I weighed nothing at all.

"Is the vehicle here?" Zane questioned.

"Yes, Alpha the vehicle just arrived...the challenge is getting you all out of here without making a scene." Richard stated.

"What about the way we had gone to the beach, could we go out that way?" I whined out as pain continued to engulf me.

"Yes! I will ask Ester what way they went so we can avoid the lobby and making a scene in front of everyone. The warriors will still have to surround you both and I know how you are regarding her so you may want to cover her." Richard informed.

Suddenly as Zane was fully standing to his full height, he reached for the blanket which slid from the bed along with me, wrapping it around my back as the fabric made all of my senses go wild with irritation. It was as if I had a pebble in my shoe which I could not get out. It irritated every nerve within me. A whine escaped from the discomfort the blanket posed.

" soul, calm for me now!" Zane demanded softly.

Following his instructions regardless of how much I did not want to I stilled against him as he pressed firmly against my body, so I tried to concentrate on that instead of this infernal piece of Hell touching me...of course I mean the bedding! I whined into his neck as his scent filled my lungs causing a surge of calming to wash over me as sparks and chills surged throughout my body. He tightened his arms around me pressing my naked body firmer against his own. The sensation of his hot skin caressing against my own as he began to walk drove my longing to an unbearable level.

It seemed to quench the pain slightly, yet it burned like a vicious beast clawing to make its escape through my pale flesh. Allatou had been quiet outside of her soft whimpers which was beginning to make me worry. She is the badass between us so why was she so subdued?

"Allatou? Are you alright? I am becoming worried!" I called out for her.

"Pain...I know what is to come! I am sorry but this is meant to be Shelly, just know I will hold it back as long as I can." She whimper out quietly.

What could she mean by what is to come? I felt panic begin to fill me not understanding what she was referring to, was that evil mate she once had coming for us? My mind began to run wild with all possible scenarios knowing none of them could be good especially the way she said what she did.

"Zane, Allatou knows what's happening, but she isn't telling me. She just said she would hold it off as long as she can. What is going on, does Slash know?" I mumbled out against his neck.

"I am feeling it as well, I am not sure if Slash knows what is happening...he hasn't mentioned." Zane groaned out as he walked faster to the elevator.

Several warriors surrounded us as Ester and the guys decided they would run down the stairs with our things and to make it down there when we arrived at the lobby floor. I began panting as the pain began to increase as a soft cry escaped from my lips as I lifted my head seeing the fear and worry in the warriors' eyes. They didn't know what was happening to me or their Alpha. As we arrived at the lobby the woman behind the counter's mouth gaped open as she saw us surrounded by massively built warriors. Her being a werewolf herself she must have felt the sheer power coming from us.

A stabbing pain plunged throughout my body as a screech of pain shot out of my mouth as Zane growled as I knew he was feeling it as well.

"Faster!" Zane growled out viciously.

Patrons of the resort all gaped as their eyes took the events before them in as shock darned their faces. Two warriors ran for the doors throwing them open wide as two others quickly ran for the large vehicle waiting for us outside. When some humans strolled into the doorway, they turned to look behind them as if they were wondering if someone was getting their suitcases.

"Move now!" Chad and Zane growled out at them as their growls held pure venom in them.

Ester ran forward pushing the humans out of the way not realizing how much force she used as the humans toppled to the ground. Zane ran by them as he ducked and rushed us both into the vehicle setting me down on the seat for a moment until he situated himself. Suddenly it felt as if something was trying to burst forth as my muscles and tendons began to feel as if they were stretching and retracting as pain surged through me like white lighting. An ear shattering scream released from me as Allatou growled viciously from the corner of my mind she had secluded herself within. Zane pulled me on his lap as I noticed humans running out front of the building peering into the open door as my back arched and my head threw back as I continued to scream out in agony.

"What the fuck is wrong with her?" I heard someone call out.

As others proceeded to say he's taking her, call the police she needs help. I heard vicious growls rip from some of Zane's warriors telling the humans to go before they would need medical assistance. If I wasn't in so much pain, I may have grinned and laughed but nothing could draw a smile from me while it felt as though someone was eviscerating me while I am alive.

"Make it stop!" I cried out as my voice trembled and my breath began to catch in my throat.

"Hold on love, we will figure this out I swear to you. Slash what the hell is happening to us?" Zane called out as his voice cracked. The pain was clearly evident.

"What is meant to be Zane, we are the most ruthless my Allatou and's coming quicker than we can stop!" He growled low.

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