Fury ~Alpha Zane

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My growl ripped through the room as I saw heads turn my way as I took in what was occurring before me. What the hell is going on here? I saw Christian trying to force Richard into submission as he was fighting against him. I do not even think so! I will rip him apart myself before I allow anyone to attack my beta! I jumped towards Christian as he shifted on the spot with his hands raised in the air not wanting to confront me. The pansy!

I shifted on the spot offering my Beta a hand since he shifted as soon as I entered the room. I was furious that I was interrupted while I was with my mate, which to me is worthy of death!

"Now does someone want to tell me what the fuck is going on here?" I questioned the room.

Richard came towards me as he pulled the chair out at the table and sank into it due to his wounds. I turned to him in a questioning manner waiting for an explanation of what had occurred when I heard her.

"What happened?" As she ran past the guards in the hallway charging towards me.

"Shelly!" Christian called out.

Suddenly their mother walked into the room looking taken aback as she looked towards Shelly. Sobs began to fall from her eyes once more as she gazed at her now adult daughter.

"Shel Shel?" She whispered out.

Shelly's forehead scrunched in concentration as her head spun around to see our mother standing there. Her mouth gaped open at the sight of her, and I knew this was going to become a long night and making even longer before I could claim my mate which enrages me.

"Mommy?" She trembled out.

"Yes, baby it is me!" She cried out.

Shelly ran towards her as she crashed directly into our mother as they toppled to the floor. They both broke into tears as they just held one another. I sighed knowing the truth needs to come out now and I don't just mean about how she was taken, but how Richard came about and how it is he is older than both of them. I know Richard never speaks about it because of the events that circulated around the events, but I knew eventually it would have to come out.

"Where were you mom? We thought you were dead!" Shel called out in tears.

"I was here honey. I am so sorry I wasn't there for you." She spoke softly.

"Wait, you were here? We have been alone, and you have been here? I don't understand why you wouldn't come home to us mom?" Shelly bombarded her with questions.

"It is a very long story sweetheart and just know that if I could have been there, I would have. Never doubt that please. I love you and your brother more than you will ever realize and I have held you both in my heart all these years." She whispered.

A growl ripped from Shelly, and I knew in that instant I needed to get her away from her mother before she did something she would regret. I darted towards her grabbing her around the waist and pulling her back away from her mother who remained on the floor.

"Samantha, I think you should take a seat because I think a major talk is needed don't you think? The truth!" I demanded.

"I...I can't Alpha!" She scrambled out.

I raised my eyebrow at her in a questioning fashion not believing she just essentially told me no, her Alpha. A low growl escaped as Slash was furious that our mate was upset.

"That was not a request Samantha, you will sit down at this table and explain everything...the truth!" I growled out angerly.

Her eyes grew wide realizing that I was not playing around. No, I have never spoken to her like that before but perhaps it is time I did. I will not be told no by anyone, and my pack knows it so I am amazed she would so blatantly tell me no knowing what I tend to do.

"Now!" I growled.

She stumbled to her feet as she walked closer sitting down in one of the wood chairs off to my right as Richard was on left at the moment and Christian was further down the table. My beautiful mate had made herself comfortable on my lap when I sat down. Chad walked up and stood behind me and Shelly since he is her mate and an Alpha as well.

"I can't tell everything but what I can say I will. This is very hard for me so please understand I wanted to be with you both. Don't hate me." She sobbed out.

"Continue Samantha!" I growled.

She sighed heavily and lowered her gaze to the table as she began to talk.

"I was young, and I met my true mate, Richard's father and he was a monster. He claimed me and after he did, I ran and hid with friends and while I was staying with them that is when I met your dad. He swept me off my feet with his sweetness and his dominance that drove me wild. After a month together I realized I was pregnant, and your father would have been devastated if I remained and he had to witness it. I told your father I was going to visit my family for a few months and that is when the pregnancy continued but what I didn't realize is his father had warriors watching my every move." She broke.

Sobs broke out from her as I knew this couldn't be easy for her considering she never has told this to anyone outside of Richard. She took several breaths and began once more.

"When I gave birth, it was at my aunt's house and Richard was a healthy boy who was beautiful. I was so happy but as my aunt had gone out and I was asleep someone came into the house and took Richard. I searched everywhere for him; I always came up with nothing. Someone kidnapped him and I even tried to come to this pack looking for him, but I was threatened and told if I ever came here again, I would be killed. Needless to say, I completely broke down and one day I wandered back to your fathers' lands. The guards called your father and he instructed them to bring me to him instantly. That is where I remained as I had you both. Until one night I was grabbed from the house, and I found myself here with the male who was my true mate. I was thankful I was reunited with Richard but hated the man who took me from you." She spoke as sobs broke from her as she shook her head fiercely not being able to carry on any longer.

"What she isn't saying is that she went into major depression and refused to eat or drink while she remained in a corner of a room. There were several times she had collapsed and was unresponsive from starvation and dehydration. We were lucky to have saved her. She had no choice about coming here, and there is information not my mother knows or either of you, I am sorry I am the one who must tell you. My father was the one who killed your father and kidnapped our mother. He is abusive and refused to let her go anywhere and still does. She is essentially a prisoner in my mind. I begged her to let me help her get away from him, but she fears he will hurt her or us kids." I confessed.

Christian roared out in rage. 

Alpha Zane ~PossessionWhere stories live. Discover now