Speechless ~Richard's POV

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Standing at the end of the table as I pressed my back against the door seeing my best friend turn into a creature is well...unnerving to say the least. Not to mention his mate turned into one as well, what are they? 

I felt my heart slam within my chest as I began scanning the room for my mate. Ester clung to her father as she scanned the room as if she was seeking me out. As her eyes locked with mine, she ran for me as I encased her within my tight grasp.

"What the hell was that?" Ester whispered out against my chest.

"I am not sure, but I am thinking this is what was causing all of their pain...what the hell is my sister, and my best friend is the better question?" I spoke low to my mate.

"What do you mean sister?" Ester stuttered out.

Shit, I thought I was not wanting that information to come to light and especially right now. Taking a deep breath, I tried to think how I could tell her without letting everyone in the room catch on but with werewolf hearing I am guessing most have heard by now. I really hope Christian didn't hear me though. 

He may be my half-brother, but I don't want to have to deal with his shit right now, not with Zane and Shelly upstairs. My mind wandered knowing exactly what was going down between them now as I couldn't help but grin knowing he finally had what he wanted more than anything in this world. His happiness!

I felt several eyes landing on us as if there were explanations expected, as one set of eyes landed on me that held pure rage.

"What do you mean your sister Richard?" Christian growled out low.

"Chris, this isn't the time to discuss this trust me!" I growled out low.

He began advancing in my direction and I knew this was not going to go well. I would have to tell him that he is my brother as Shelly was my sister but how do I explain how? Am I supposed to just say 'Oh my father killed yours and kidnapped our mom'? Yeah, I see how that would go down. One he would want to kill our mother out of feeling betrayed and abandoned. I will never put my mom in the path of someone's rage over something that was not her fault. She has suffered enough!

"I want an answer right now Richard! You called my sister your sister...I want an explanation this instant!" Chris growled viciously.

Fuck! I don't think there is any way around this. Taking a deep breath, I pulled my mate closer to me as I placed a kiss on the top of her head as I moved her behind me. This is going to go bad quickly!

"Gary, where is my mother?" I linked one of the warriors.

"She is at home; your father had gone out with some of the males for a run. Why? Is something wrong?" Gary replied through our link.

"No, things right now are becoming precarious considering my half brother just heard me call Zane's mate my sister. Which yes in turn now he is confronting me. Send a few warriors my way in case he becomes out of control." I told him.

Directing my attention back to Christian his gaze on me became intense as he expected me to answer him. I began trying to figure out how I could explain everything but no matter how I tell him it is going to be a shit show.

"Everyone take a seat; I want this done calmly without an incident because if Alpha Zane or his mate storm down here they are going to be raging and we may all be torn apart by them." I informed everyone.

Within moments several warriors ran into the house as they stood at the doorway prepared for a fight. Christian looked to them as a low growl emerged from within him. He took a seat and all of the other Alpha's began to follow suit.

"Damn it, Gary, bring my mother here please. Do not let my father find out whatever you do, or blood will be shed without a doubt, there still may be!" I spoke through the link.

I know this is going to be an utter shock to my mom, but this is what she has wanted all these years...her children. At least I can fulfill this for her since I can't make my father any less of an asshole to her. I grasped Ester's hand as I directed her to the chair next to the end of the table, as I sat in Alpha's chair. What, he isn't here? As I sank into the chair all eyes seemed to land directly on me.

"Christian, I want to say I am sorry up front. This never was a situation I expected but I found out and I think it is time for you to know as well." I spoke clearly as my insides seemed to seize with worry.

He looked at me with a confused expression.

"Know what Richard?" He snarled out.

Suddenly I heard footsteps in the foyer. I would know my mom's steps anywhere. The warriors behind me stepped aside as I quickly stood up as my mother stood in the empty spot between them. I offered her my hand as Christian's jaw went lax as it gaped at the sight before him.

"M...Mom?" Christian stuttered out.

Her eyes scanned the room as they landed on Chris as a cry broke from her as she sank to the floor in utter shock. Sobs racked through her tiny body, mind you my mom is only about five-seven and thin as a rail. Her long blonde hair draped down her back as her eyes have seemed lifeless all these years and it broke my heart.

"Chris? Oh, my goddess is it truly you?" She sobbed out as she looked up in his direction.

Chris jumped up from his chair as it went flying backwards slamming into the wall. He ran for his mother as he all but dived at her as his knees slammed hard against the floor sliding towards her. He wrapped her in his arms as he now began to sob.

"Mom...how? Have you been here all these years, why did you leave us?" Chris cried out, rage filling his voice.

I nodded to the warriors to be prepared in case he went off at my mom. I will not have her harmed.

"I'm sorry Chris, I wanted to be with you and your sister. Where is your sister, Chris? Please tell me she is alright!" She cried out as panic filled her.

Christian pulled himself from our mother as his face contorted and held one of shock like she had slapped him across the face. A deep growl began to rip from him at my mother, oh hell no! I thought. I stood in front of my mother as several warriors helped her stand as they pulled her back to their protection.

"Why did you abandon us?" Chris growled viciously as his body began to tremble.

I knew he was on the verge of shifting which I will not have, not here and sure as hell not now!

"Chris, she was kidnapped! She had no choice I am sorry. I know you want to blame her, but she has been tortured all these years wanting you and Shelly." I informed him.

He looked at me as if he doubted my words.

"So how does that make you Shelly's brother and mine for that matter?" He spat out.

"He's my son also Christian...your half-brother." Mom spoke softly.

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