Chapter 9 ~Allatou

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 I hope you are enjoying the story so far, I do hope you will enjoy this chapter ...I am sorry it is a bit longer than the others. 

        I felt my fury building in me when my body began to feel like I was burning up from the inside, I tilted my head to the side as my neck cracked. I looked up to Chad with utter shock and fear of what I was feeling. The pain surging through me began to cause me to sweat as I grabbed ahold of Chads arm with all my might. I didn't even realize I was digging my nails deep within his arm, blood began to trickle down his arm to fingers dripping from the tips of them. I began to feel my senses build in strength and becoming extremely acute to everything around me. Suddenly I began to hear and feel my bones snapping and breaking, a shriek escaped from my lips. I could feel myself dropping towards the floor as I felt as if my body was being ripped apart.

        Chad took a deep breath reaching down to me with his bloody hand when suddenly a deep booming growl ripped from his teeth directed at Christian. I could hear him trying to come towards me and Chad was not going to allow that. Ester looked at Zeke and jumped over the bed and lowered herself to my side.

        "Its ok, just breath're in the midst of your first shift. I would say congrats, but it doesn't seem the time or place...or in the right company." She whispered to me as she rubbed my contorting back.

        "Get out of my way so I can go to my sister you mutt!" Christian screamed.

        "Your sister? The one who you betrayed? She has more respect for me than she does you...and I have only known her for a little while. You have some nerve, oh and by the're not getting anywhere near her!" Chad growled out.

I could hear Christian continually trying to come to me, I wanted him no where near me. I whined as I felt my body beginning to change violently. Chad had pushed Christian away from me as he glared at him.

        "C...Chad, please get me out of here...I...I don't want to do this here. P... Please help me." I whined out through our pack link.

        Christian must have noticed our eyes go fogged saying we were linking, he let a wild snarling growl from his teeth. He realized I no longer was a member of his pack. I had no link to him outside of blood, and that was even a joke.

        "Zeke you are with Chad, Shel and I...Luke and Bret grab her boxes we need to leave here now, and we will not be returning. I have a feeling if she fully shifts right now, she may kill her brother." Ester instructed through our link.

Everyone nodded as Chad picked me up from the floor as Zeke had moved in front of us blocking us from Christian. Christian's rage was building wanting to get to his sister especially since she was screaming out in pain, he wanted to sooth her, yet Chad would not let him.

        "Seth? Listen to me, you need to contact Alpha Zane now, tell him that she is here but others are trying to take her from here and I want her to remain here. Tell him he better hurry or I will lose her forever!" Christian said through their link.

        "Yes Alpha, I just called, and he said detain them until he gets here...he is on his way." Seth replied.

        Chad began carrying me towards the door as Christian blocked the doorway and refused to move. I could feel my rage grow by the second, my rage at my father's death, rage at my brother for all the lies he has handed me all these years. To top it all off I felt the urge to rip my brother apart with anyone who got in my way. He was threatening Chad which had my entire being ready to rip his throat out letting myself be covered in his blood as I mate Chad here and now. Ok yes, I know I am gross, but I cannot control my animalistic cravings now. Zeke was standing in front of us trying to clear him from the doorway pushing his hands against the door jam digging his nails into them.

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