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As she sat there looking at me, I felt my cheeks heat up knowing what she was saying without words. I grinned softly as I knelt before her, as I placed my hands on her knees as her scent washed over me. A low rumble escaped as her eyes took me in knowing she was getting to me severely. Not to mention I was rock hard before her, not hard to miss in my opinion. Her eyes grew dark in longing as well, I knew mind were already dark with desire I wanted her more than anything as I should always have. I have learned from my mistakes and now I just hope she can forgive me.

"Well, I am waiting!" She demanded.

"What is it you would like?" I asked with a wide grin.

"First off, you need to put that mouth to work!" She deadpanned.

My eyes grew wide in knowing as I leaned my head forward as I began caressing my hands up her thighs as I gripped her hips pulling her forward. I licked my lips as I traced my tongue along her inner thigh as her breath shuttered. I know how much I affect her as does she, but I could sense part of her wanted to fight against it with everything she has. Regardless of her words I could sense it. She peered down at me watching what I was doing intently. I could see a question brimming her pouty lips which silently begged to be asked. I could tell this moment was about to take a whole new direction.

I could sense Allatou at the surface waiting to pounce and honestly, I don't think it is in a pleasant way. Suddenly her expression changed from hesitation to sheer anger. I knew this moment was over and before I could back away and climb to my feet a vicious growl tore from her throat as a foot came slamming into my chest throwing me backwards. As I gathered my senses, I looked towards the bed to find Allatou had taken all control and shifted and was already mid-air and she was seconds from attacking me.

I tried to roll away from her incoming attack but faltered in my attempt as her claws grabbed ahold of me digging in deeply. She dragged me just in front of her as if she intended to kill me on the spot.

I knew if I just laid here, she would try to do just that, Slash spoke up knowing it was time for him to intervene due to her sheer rage.

"My soul, that is enough now!" Slash growled low.

"No!" She replied with a return growl.

Slash was shocked with her response because she normally would listen to him no matter what. Slash knew he needed to rein her in and there was only one way he would be able to do that, and it was vicious and primal. Slash took control and shifted just before her as she stepped back knowing her words brought her mate out. She growled low as a whimper followed as if she knew he was not pleased with her going against him.

Slash fully shifted stood tall and proud as an Alpha does. He was stunning, his black eyes boring into hers as no words needed to be spoken. Suddenly she bolted by us towards the door smashing herself through it, not realizing how much she could have harmed herself doing so. I turned and looked and noticed blood on the ground, she was hurt. My heart sank knowing my mate was injured trying to escape this situation. What I had thought were just droplets on the ground were small pools of blood. She was hurt badly, now the question is does she even realize it.

Panic surged through Slash as he screamed at me within my mind. Yes, I know he is mad about what happened but how was I to know. Of course, I feel bad, but I had no idea Allatou was going to go berserk and attack me when I had all intentions on pleasing my mate. I sighed as I sat back within my mind not wanting to cause Slash any undue stress.

"My soul, where are you?" Slash called out through their link.

Yet the only thing that met him was pure silence. I could feel the intense panic that Slash was feeling, and yes, I am feeling it as well. Allatou is my mate as well regardless of if she desires it or not. 

We had to find her no matter what the cost. Suddenly I heard heavy footfalls coming down the hallway as I noticed Chad and the others following suit.

"Where is she?" E cried out worriedly.

Slash refused to let me shift to explain what was going on, but I did see her looking at the blood on the floor as her eyes flashed with horror. We all ran out of the house going in a different direction searching for her; we needed to get to her quickly. She is losing a lot of blood. Yes, we heal fast but when losing massive amounts of blood if it can't be controlled enough to heal, life can be lost. Slash began smelling the air trying to pick up on our mate's scent, but it didn't seem to be anywhere we had looked thus far.

How could this be happening? Does Allatou hate me this much to where she would hurt herself and try to kill me? My heart sank knowing she really must despise me the way she took such drastic actions against me.

I felt tears in my eyes as they also streamed down Slash's fur reflecting his utter dismay at the escalation of this situation. Realizing how torn up he is affected me greatly as my heart already was feeling the same. I sighed and seemed to fade deeper within my mind knowing I am only making things worse. I think Slash could feel it as he growled angerly at me as I closed my eyes in defeat.

"My soul please answer me. I am so worried. I can not lose you again!" Slash growled frantically.

"Here." A soft whisper came through the link. It was Allatou but so faint and weak.

I could feel our muscles stretching and being pushed to their max as our feet thudded fiercely at the ground. Suddenly as he took a deep whiff of the air, there it was! Her scent! My heart seemed to ache for our mates as much as his did.

"Please Slash, get toher quickly. I have a bad feeling!" I pleaded with him.

Alpha Zane ~PossessionWhere stories live. Discover now