Brutal Honesty ~Zane POV

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I awoke knowing seeing her come into my room and holding me had to be a dream. My mate hates me for being with that human. How could I have done this to my self and my sweet mate, so callous and heartless sleeping with another while I knew my mate was there. I saw her with my own eyes, my sense's went wild drawing me to her as she was put in a vehicle. 

I opened my eyes as my heart dropped scared to look at my bed knowing she would not be there when I woke. As I cracked my eyes open I saw her, my eyes snapped wide as my mouth gaped. My sweet mate had come to me to comfort me when I was about to shatter. In total amazement I watched her as she slept curled up to where I had been moments ago. She pulled my pillow to her nuzzling her face into it as she breathed in my scent. A small whine escaped from her as she still slept peacefully. 

Does this mean she forgives me? I ran my hand over my face feeling the aftermath of tears which had shed over my mate. I never have cried before in my life, yet she has brought me to my knees. I couldn't help but watch her silently knowing I wanted to go shower before she arose but I still worry this may be part of a maleficent dream just waiting for me to wake and be crushed further.

A low growl escaped from me knowing I am a powerful Alpha and others fear me as I like it. Yet, not her! I want her to want me as much as I do her. I realize what I have done in the past was not only stupid and reckless but I tortured my mate without thinking about how she would feel. I am a beast for not caring, a monster for knowing she was there and didn't seek her instead of go to Shannon. 

Honestly, I can't blame her for how she feels. I suppose I would feel the same if she chose a human over me to sleep with. Yet that human I would have killed myself without hesitation or pleading from my mate. I stood in the way shielding Shannon and took that right from her. I growled again knowing everything I am doing is wrong and I am making a mess of our relationship before it even really begins. 

I slowly stood up as I turned and looked at her once more before walking into the bathroom to take a shower. I peered up to look at myself in the mirror and just my image made me disgusted with myself. I sighed and walked to the shower turning it on as the hot water began to stream down as the warmth felt good. I pulled my sweats down my legs and pulled my top over my head tossing them to the floor. I stepped into the hot flow of the shower feeling its warmth began to relax me physically and mentally. 

I placed my hands against the tiles hoping for a moment of calm within my mind but something kept nagging at me. I began thinking and wondering what possibly could be nagging at me when I realized what has slipped my memory. Slash let a deep growl out within my mind as the growl seemed to slam against the inside of my head reflecting his rage. 

"You forgot about Davin, didn't you, and what he wants to do once again to my mate! You chose that human leaving her unprotected to where she had to rely on another Alpha for his. Shameful!" Slash growled out in frustration.

"He wouldn't dare come here, not if he values his life anyways!" I growled out.

I began hearing noises coming from the bedroom not knowing what reaction I should expect from Shelly today, one of love or of pure hate. She seems to blow hot and cold, not that I can blame her for blowing cold currently. I did choose another over her. As I mentally kick myself once again for that choice. I don't know if I can ever make that up to my mate but I will do anything I have to so I make it up to her.

I leaned forward placing my forehead against the cool tiles as I spoke to Slash not realizing what was going on around me. Taking a deep breath as a sigh escaped from me I felt tiny fingers sliding against my ribcage to my chest as they pressed firmly to me. I took a shuttered breath, not knowing what to expect. 

"Morning, Shelly." I all but whispered out.

"Morning, Mate." She replied softly. 

My eyes widened in shock at her words, she actually called me her mate. Will she accept me as her mate despite what had occurred with Shannon? I wondered. She pressed the side of her face to my firm tense back as soft sobs began to release from her. My heart shattered in knowing I was the cause for them. I slowly turned in her arms as mine snaked around her, pulling her into my chest as her tears seemed to fall stronger.

"I am sorry, mate, for disappointing you and for making such a mess out of things. I admit I should never have taken the right from you to take your vengeance on her. I will do anything to prove myself to you." I spoke softly against the top of her head.

"Yes, it hurt badly that you chose her over me. I always thought when my mate knew about me, he would come to take me to his side without hesitation, and well, that didn't happen. I can't say I understand or condone what you did, but I forgive you." She mumbled against my chest. 

I took a deep breath of relief as I kissed the top of her head as a thank you. All I want to do now is ravage my mate and show her how much she means to me. That would be pushing things, and I know it, I began gently washing her body as she took a step backward, watching me closely with skepticism. 

As I finished washing her, she stepped back I quickly finished washing myself and stepped out, taking a towel and wrapping it around her. I smiled softly, not wanting to push my luck with her. 

"Are you hungry? We do need to have a talk about a few things." I spoke to her.

"Indeed, we do!" She spoke sternly.

I felt my heart drop as she began to dry off, walking out of the bathroom naked as my heart began to race, as my shaft began standing straight, wanting its mate. No such luck of that today I whispered to it mindlessly. I dried off and stepped from the bathroom naked as well, two can play this game, I thought.

There she was in all of her splendor, sitting on the end of the bed with her legs spread wide as if she expected something...oh my. I thought. 

Alpha Zane ~PossessionKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat