Spilled Truth

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I saw Christian's expression as he now wanted to kill Richard's father who come to find out is our mother's true mate. I can't blame him to be honest considering I want to skin that son of a bitch myself for killing our father, taking our mother, and leaving us kids to fend for ourselves all these years.

"Where is that bastard who killed our father?" I screamed out as I struggled in Zane's arms.

"He is here within the pack, where he is at this very moment, I am not sure Shel." Zane whispered against my neck.

"If this werewolf went in and killed their father and took their mother, they have every right to confront this bastard! These poor pups had to raise one another with no parent to instruct them with the things they needed to know for life. Tell them where this werewolf is so they can gain some form of closure!" Alpha Trevor yelled out.

"I never wanted to leave them! I wanted to be with them more than anything and I had tried to escape many times but Richard's father would catch me and drag me back locking me within a room so I couldn't leave. I have tried all these years I wanted to return to you both, yes, I love Richard, he is my first born but I knew you both needed me as well. Please forgive me Shel, and Christian." Samantha called out.

I felt the rage of the situation burning through me realizing the full extent of the events and all the suffering that occurred and not only by Christian and me, but our mother was suffering as well. I realize I have anger when it comes to her but clearly it is misplaced! I want to skin that fucker myself for taking my mother in more than one way! I am a calm werewolf and love others but since all this began, I am finding myself turning darker in certain way, especially now since I am finding out I have a Lycan and that part of me is vengeful and seeks the destruction of this werewolf who brought all of this suffering to my family!

"Where is he?" I growled out viciously feeling my Lycan stir intensely.

"As I said right now, I am not sure where he is. He was here earlier today but I have not seen him for a bit. He went out and he didn't tell me where." My mother spoke.

I growled. If I have to hunt him down myself I will and when I find him there will be no saving him from my sheer savagery. My mind wandered to all the times I needed my mother more than anything but all I was left with was a vacant void where she should have been. I remember when I woke one morning with intense pain near my pelvic bone as tears filled my eyes and I was unsure what was happening. Come to think of it, it happened not long after Zane had initially charged for my new car, seeing him, locking my eyes with his intense ones. Ester had rushed into the room I had been given as she heard me crying out in pain but that didn't touch the intense burning at my core and within myself.

As Ester ran into the room, she knew exactly what was happening to me yet was unsure on how to help.

"I will get my mother." She whispered out to me.

That should never have happened! It should have been my own mother who was there to walk me through my first heat and to explain what to expect even before then. I growled wanting this bastard now to rip him apart. I began struggling within Zane's arms.

"Let me go!" I growled out.

"The only place your going is back upstairs with me!" Zane growled low against my neck.

Damnit, I want to do something and once again my actions are being dictated by someone else. I could feel the rage building within me knowing that this werewolf Alpha, my mate was now going to try to control what I dictated I would do. No one is going to tell me what I can or cannot do again! Yes, I know I have anger and not Christian honestly, he never dictated things to me outside of wanting me to go to school. But the sheer rage that comes from Allatou regarding being controlled and used is truly overwhelming. It floods through me as well making that anger build within me as well. Allatou began forcing me back as Zane's grasp tightened on me trying to restrain me against his firm chest.

Allatou growled viciously as she shot our glance at our mate in warning of what would come if he didn't release us. He growled back in response as Slash began to take forefront warning Allatou and I am sure reassuring her that he was not the male who had harmed her so viciously. She began to struggle as snarls ripped from us as Slash lowered their face into the crook of my neck as a strange sensation washed over us, longing, desire, and need for our mate sparked through me.

"Settle my Alla!" Slash growled low.

Feeling our body still within his grasp he placed gentle kisses down our throat as sparks emerged in every place his lips touched. A whine escaped from me, no longer seeking the death of my half brother's father, now only wanting my mate.

As many pairs of eyes all landed on us as my head leaned back against Slash as his kisses became more aggressive as his grasp tightened further eliciting a low growl from us. Slash raised his head from my neck looking to those who still remained within the room as a deep growl roared from him in warning making everyone present aware that he was claiming me as his own. The threat of death was clear in the growl, warning all that if they attempted to take me or bring harm to me, I would lay dead upon the floor faster than a heartbeat. He scooped me up into his arms as he spun carrying me into the foyer and up the stairs once again towards his bedroom where his scent was thick and so delightful.

"My soul, I will have you once again as my mate and shall kill anyone who has ever harmed you!" He growled low. 

Setting me down gently on the bed he crawled to me as I sat up as his kissed me passionately as every want and desire I have ever felt seemed to fade away to a faint memory as everything within me was consumed by the love and passion I felt for my mate.

Alpha Zane ~PossessionWhere stories live. Discover now