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I could feel the pounding in my head, although it was less intense than what it was last night. I guess it is early morning now. I'm not certain. It's dark in here! Exactly where am I?

"Hello? "Hello?" my voice cracked as I called out into the darkness.

Immediately, the door swung open, revealing the muscular figure that was standing within it. A bright light shone through the doorway.

"Alla, are you alright my soul?" Zane questioned.

I reached up feeling the back of my head where it still throbbed as I wanted the figure in the doorway as I felt my body come alive in longing. His scent filling the room swiftly as the scent of pine and clove filled my lungs making an involuntary whine escape from me. A low rumbling began to come from him as he began to approach the bed, my breath hitching as Allatou began to whine at the approach of her mate.

"It has been far too long, my Alla!" A deep gruff low growl escaped.

"Yes, love it has, it has been torture without you!" Allatou called out to him as her voice broke showing her weakness.

His Alpha presence resonated from him in waves making our body tingle. Not sure if the tingling was from his presence or our longing. The fact that this man was a beast made no difference to me, his massive build mesmerizing as I looked in his direction and felt as if I was being drawn to him. As if an invisible string connected us and was being shortened every moment, as he drew closer my heart began to beat faster, longing for his touch.

Every cell within me called out for him to touch, to claim and moreover to make me his in all ways once again...not that I ever stopped. The feelings coming from Allatou were overwhelming. She truly trusted and loved this werewolf more than her own life. It touched me knowing she did have a soft side even if no one ever got to see it, well outside of him, I am sure. He drew closer to us as he slowly reached out a massive hand in my direction, longing taking over all senses as I crawled to the end of the bed as a whine escaped from me.

I lifted my hand out to him as he now stood directly in front of me, lowering his head to the crook of my neck inhaling deeply as a growl resonated from him. I knew he had to have picked up Chad on me and was not pleased. I ran the tip of my nose along his neck to the crook of it as a growl resonated from Allatou. Confusion overwhelmed me as suddenly she was full of rage directed at him.

"Who?" She growled at him pulling us away from him.

His eyes grew wide in confusion not understanding what was being asked of him.

"What do you mean by who?" He asked with a confused expression.

"Female!" Allatou growled out viciously.

I must admit it kind of shocked me that she was growling at him and furious to boot. His jaw clenched tightly then went slack opening in shock that she was this furious at him...but he knew why! She questioned him who, does that mean she smelled another on him or what? I don't understand so I figured I would try to inhale deeper trying to identify what she had. As I did it hit me like a freight train. He has been with another!

"Her name is Shannon; I am guessing you caught her scent on me. She is a human my Alla, I am sorry, but Zane craved another." Slash replied woundedly.

Allatou growled low and I knew it was not in a loving fashion. She was wounded. He had been with another...yet hadn't we? I will admit I had never been with another until Chad and yes, he is our mate also, but does that excuse it? My emotions were in conflict but hers were on the verge of loss of all control. If I had longed and craved for my mate for so many lifetimes yet were denied finding him again until now, I may feel as she does. Yet I know she wants Slash more than everything...if it wasn't him, could she blame him?

"You had another my soul?" Her voice broke as she howled within as she mourned her mate believing she lost him.

"Never my soul...only Zane never I. I wouldn't ever take another nor could I! You are my mate, and I shall never mate with another unless it is with you!" Slash's voice broke in a low growl of sorrow.

I felt Allatou curl deep within as she whimpered and cried, feeling she lost her reason for being...her only love. It broke my heart to hear her shattered heart take on an audible sound of a ruthlessly wounded animal who was on the verge of passing. I heard Slash calling out to her with his deep gruff voice now taking on the one of a lost, werewolf with no purpose to survive.

She whimped and cried mumbling something so low I could not understand what was being said but I believe Slash had. Was she rejecting our mate? My heart began to feel as though my heart was being physically crushed by an insurmountable force that would not relent. I don't blame Zane for seeking companionship, yes, I will not lie it hurts badly but I mated with Chad also and I am sure it hurts him in some form.

My eyes filled with tears as my heart raced like a wildfire through dry brush as I looked up at Zane, breath quickening as my longing for him never faltered.

"I am not sure exactly what has happened, but I know Allatou has forced herself deep within...what the hell is going on?" I growled out angerly.

"She feels I have taken another instead of her, which is not the case, I would never!" Slash growled low.

"I have a question for you Zane, since you saw me in the field and knew I was your mate have you been with Shannon?" My voice came out harshly as hurt laced my words.

His head dropped down as his gaze went to the floor and in that very action, I knew he had, no need for words. Honestly, I don't know if we can get past this and yes it may be petty of me and Allatou but for some reason it feels as though we were betrayed, heart crushing pain surging through us.

"Please leave." I whined out as it felt my throat was closing not being able to catch my breath.

My head began slamming as the pain surged through my whole body like nothing I have ever felt before. The scorching heat which was flame worthy began coursing through me.

"Chad!" I screamed out in agony as my breathing faltered.

Chad raced into the room pushing Zane away from me as my eyes grew wide due to lack of oxygen, my throat felt as though it closed as everything within me was lit aflame, being crushed beyond repair. Zane's eyes grew wide in panic as Chad pulled me into his arms as Allatou actually tried to call out for Chad...not knowing his wolf outside of drooling over him.

"I've got you baby...please breathe, come on..." His voice growled out with concern and worry.

My mouth gaping like a fish pleading for air yet never receiving any, vision going dark and then I sank into the darkness. 

Alpha Zane ~PossessionWhere stories live. Discover now