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I want to thank you all for your support and your concern for me. Your patience has been greatly appreciated. I will be updating on a regular basis again. 

Happy Reading~ Love you all! Jenn

I can not believe Allatou has brought me right back to Zane, I do understand her need for Slash though. A part of me felt sorry for Allatou and Slash because they were lost to one another for far to long and I was just making that worse. I know she understands how I feel, she feels just as betrayed as I do by Zane. 

As we stood across from Slash, his wolf stunning and powerful. I felt my breath hitch as he began stalking towards us with determination and dominance. I have to admit he is truly a force to be reckoned with. I could feel a flutter in my stomach as Allatou craved her mate and was in total awe of his magnificence. 

A deep growl began to resonate from him as he displayed his dominance to us as Allatou lowered our head to him. A whimper escaped from us as he continued advancing on us. His head stood tall as he reached us, he began to rub the side of his face against our neck as we seemed to respond without thought. 

We began whining as we rubbed against his neck as well, as Slash let a low rumble escape from him. It was a sound of pure contentment of having his mate before him. I didn't object as long as it was Slash and not Zane. My fury towards him is almost palatable and I desire to cause him harm which is one of the reasons I left. 

Why is it the ones who are suppose to love me are the ones who always betray me in one way or another. First my brother now my mate? What did I ever due to deserve this? I know personally I waited until I met my mate, I never expected to have more than one. I didn't go seeking any male to be with just because I had an itch. I could have forgiven him of his transgression with her in time, perhaps. Yet him protecting her from me is what snapped that thread within me, he protected a human over his mate.

Slash placed his large head on top of ours as he pushed it towards the ground causing us to lower ourselves into a laying position. I grumbled at being forced down but kept my mouth shut feeling the thrill running through Allatou. She so craved the dominance of her mate and to have him show who's we were. He lowered himself down pressing himself against us as he placed his massive head upon ours. 

His protectiveness over us warmed me from within knowing he would do anything to protect us no matter the threat. I began to hear cracking noises of branches snapping from behind me. My heart began to race not knowing who was coming as Slash let a growl vibrated from him chest. I heard a popping noise indicating it may have been Chad approaching us. 

 "Slash, it is me, Chad. I want to talk to you. I know you may not be able to answer me without shifting. If you will allow I would like our mate to shift so he can tell me your answers." Chad spoke.

Slash raised his head and turned it looking at Chad with wariness. He told us to shift so they could have a conversation, yet he had no intention on letting us move from his side. We shifted back as Slash pushed us into a sitting position as he laid down on our lap. My fingers began running through his hair enjoying his soft lush fur as a low rumble vibrated in his chest. I knew he was enjoying me playing with his hair. 

"What do you want Chad?" Slash passed along through our link.

I spoke the words to my other mate for him. Slash kept his eyes on Chad every moment incase he moved in any aggressive way. I could tell Chad was disturbed by the whole situation that had occurred at the pack.

"Do I take it you were against him being with that human, Slash?" Chad asked.

A fierce growl ripped from Slash displaying his anger over the whole situation. He was not going to subject me to Zane so he would remain in his wolf form to shield me. 

"I told him not to touch that human! It disgusted me that he touched her and slept with her. This is why I sit here like this. I will not allow him to cause my mate any more trauma!" Slash growled out.

I wondered how all that would work if he was going to remain in his wolf form and not let Zane out. He was the Alpha of his pack after all. I told Chad what Slash had said. His eyes grew wide at the idea of him not shifting to keep Zane from traumatizing me further. 

"How do you see this working when he is the Alpha of the pack Slash? She wants to get as far away from Zane as she can. He stood up for that human when his mate was in utter shock and hurt beyond words. Is that human still at the pack?" Chad asked.

While I waited for Slash to reply I answered Chad about that human. 

"Slash killed her!" I answered Chad.

His eyes widened realizing that Zane wouldn't do it but Slash hadn't hesitated in giving his mate what she wanted. Slash began to answer Chad.

"He may be the Alpha but I am just as much as he is. I don't want him near our mate until she decides she wants to. I will not force her to accept him. Yet I need my heart, I refuse to be parted with her again!" He growled through the link which I conveyed to Chad. 

"Gee thanks Slash, not for me huh?" I questioned him in fun.

A low rumble came from him as he nipped my leg in annoyance telling me he was not pleased with  my statement. 

"I shall mate and mark you my little one!" He growled through the link assuredly. 

A soft whine escaped from me knowing he would do just that, well it would be us in our wolf form. How all of this would work out I am not sure but I know for sure Allatou and Slash could not be parted again. Now that the human was gone I could make sacrifices for Slash and Allatou so they can be together. My heart broke for them and I wanted to give them what they another.

"Chad, we are going back to the pack. She is gone and Slash is remaining in control for now it seems. I will just avoid Zane if they do shift." I replied. 

Chad sighed knowing this was a bad idea but he was not going to argue with his mate.

"As you wish, mate." He replied.

Alpha Zane ~PossessionWhere stories live. Discover now