Chapter 79: Getting Accepted

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She kneaded a dough, rolled it into a flat round shape, and then topped it with sliced squid rings, bell peppers, chicken cubes, halved red cherry tomatoes, and mushrooms. Then, similar to steaming buns, she steamed this "seafood pie" in a pot.

She opened the lid at the right time, and along with the wafting steam came the aroma of the pie crust and the fragrance of the seafood and other ingredients.

Shen Lie looked at the freshly steamed seafood pie and said, "Well, it smells good, but will Dawa and the others accept it?"

"Just like when I made hamburgers and French fries before, they haven't seen the real thing. If I tell them it's pizza, then it's pizza," Ning Tang replied.

"But will it taste good?"

"Don't worry, with so many ingredients added, even if it were steamed insoles, it would taste delicious."

Indeed, Dawa and the others readily accepted it. Ning Tang brought the "pizza" to the table, and they all exclaimed, "Wow," with Erniu even saying, "It smells amazing."

"It smells good," Ning Tang said, "Let's eat. This is pizza, Western fast food."

Dawa asked, "How should we eat it?"

Ning Tang cut it into eight slices with a knife and said, "Here you go, each person takes one piece."

Sanwa took a slice, tasted it, and said, "It's delicious. So this is the pizza that foreigners eat."

Shen Lie was skeptical but also took a slice and, hey, he had to admit, it really tasted good. Essentially, it was a seafood-filled pie.

After finishing their lunch, the three little ones didn't go out to set off fireworks like they usually did.

Shen Lie asked them why they didn't go, and Dawa patted his chest and said, "I'm a junior high school student now, not a little kid. Why would I set off fireworks?"

Erniu exposed him, saying, "You're just tired of playing."

Since the three little ones didn't want to go out and play, Ning Tang assigned them a task: to make dumplings for dinner.

Dawa, Erniu, and Sanwa were already skilled at wrapping dumplings. It wasn't like the first time when they ended up with loose dumplings that turned into noodle soup as soon as they hit the pot.

When Dawa saw Ning Tang taking out the long-unused clay pot, he asked, "Mom, what are you going to do?"

"I'm going to make 'digging for treasure'." Ning Tang casually replied.

"Digging for treasure?" Erniu asked.

"Yes," Ning Tang said.

During the Lunar New Year in previous years when they were at home, Sun Aiju would steam a pot of preserved meat rice every New Year's Eve. She would bury some water chestnuts in the rice, and whoever dug up a water chestnut would be considered to have found a treasure, earning double the New Year's money.

Every time, it was her who dug up the "treasure," and Ning Xue even complained, saying that Sun Aiju must have cheated by making the preserved meat rice herself.

This year, she also let Dawa and the others dig for treasure once, to experience the fun.

In the evening, the preserved meat rice was steamed, and Ning Tang gave Dawa, Erniu, and Sanwa each a spoon. "Whoever finds the treasure will receive double the New Year's money this year."

The three little ones looked at each other and raised their spoons, saying in unison, "I'm definitely going to find it!"

In addition to the preserved meat and water chestnuts, the preserved meat rice also contained peas, wax sausages, eggs, and diced mushrooms. Dawa, Erniu, and Sanwa stirred it with their spoons, and the aroma filled the air.

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