Chapter 95 Settling Accounts

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On the afternoon of Chinese New Year's Eve, Zhou Caiwei took Baobao and prepared to go to the supply and marketing cooperative to buy firecrackers to play with.

Just as they reached the vicinity of the harbor, they saw five stylishly dressed young people jumping off a boat.

Instead of avoiding her, those five people directly walked towards her.

This startled Zhou Caiwei, who stood in front of Baobao, warily looking at the three men and two women in front of her, and coldly asked, "Who are you?"

The slightly taller two men were dressed in black suits with a bright red tie tied around their collars, resembling bodyguards of a big shot from Hong Kong movies.

The slightly shorter man was wearing white bell-bottom pants and a white V-neck shirt. Well... he seemed a bit sleazy... Zhou Caiwei thought. Luckily, it wasn't too cold in Hailang Island during the twelfth lunar month; if it were in the north, this little rascal would've been frozen into a fool.

The five of them sandwiched two young women wearing matching red dresses between them. They all had sunglasses perched on their noses, capable of covering half of their faces. Zhou Caiwei vaguely felt that she recognized them and asked again, "Who are you five and where did you come from?"

The five young men and women glanced at each other and laughed in unison, shouting, "Teacher Zhou, it's us!"

After speaking, they took off their frog-shaped sunglasses from their noses.

Zhou Caiwei slapped her thigh, "Oh, it's you guys. If you're back, you're back. Why dress like this and wear big black sunglasses?"

Dawa patted the nonexistent dust off his suit jacket, "Teacher Zhou, you don't understand. This is the fashion nowadays. And wearing frog-shaped sunglasses, do I look handsome or not?"

Zhou Caiwei replied, "Handsome? I think you look like a cricket."

Sanwa stepped forward and struck a pose imitating Fei Xiang, then flicked his short hair, "Teacher Zhou, do I resemble a certain celebrity? Should I sing a segment for you?"

Zhou Caiwei had a blank expression on her face, and her mouth twitched. "No resemblance. I won't listen to your song anymore. Go home and sing it for your parents." After speaking, she hurried the five children towards their homes. "Go home quickly, all of you. Teacher Zhou has a weak heart. I don't want to scare anyone to death."

Erniu said crisply, "Then goodbye, Teacher Zhou."

Before leaving, they gave Baobao a large bag of fruit candies.

Zhou Caiwei opened a pineapple-flavored candy for Baobao to suck on. "Say goodbye to your brothers and sisters." Baobao's cheeks puffed out from holding the candy, and she waved her hand to the five brothers and sisters in a milky voice, "Goodbye, brothers and sisters."

After bidding farewell to Zhou Caiwei and Baobao, Dawa, Erniu, Sanwa, Dahu, and Fang Fang each went back to their own homes.

The final exams were held late this year, so they returned late. They only arrived on Chinese New Year's Eve, and their parents were probably anxiously waiting for them.

When Dawa, Erniu, and Sanwa returned home, Ning Tang and Shen Lie were cooking in the kitchen.

Sanwa shouted, "Dad, Mom, we're back!"

Ning Tang quickly stir-fried the vegetables. "We heard you. We're not deaf, and our ears are still functioning."

Erniu rushed into the house and sniffed. "It smells so good."

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