Chapter 64: Fighting

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After several days of enjoying coconut chicken soup and the "persistent efforts" of Dawa and the others, the family had finally accumulated a pile of coconut shells.

Ning Tang used some of the coconut shells to make various things. In addition to the promised decorations for Dawa and the others, she also made flower pots out of coconut shells for Sister Luo, who grew vegetables. She also gave bowls and plates made from coconut shells to Zeng Xinlan, Lei Sufen, and several other military wives.

June 21st, Saturday, in the afternoon.

Ning Tang had just woken up and was covered in sweat.

She wiped away the beads of sweat and took a shower, coming out while drying her hair with a towel. She remarked, "The weather is getting hotter."

Dawa and the others came back from playing outside. Dawa exclaimed excitedly, "Mom, is there anything to eat?"

"There's mung bean soup in the kitchen. Serve yourselves," Ning Tang replied.

The three children each held a bowl of mung bean soup and sat under the corridor, drinking the soup while swinging their dangling legs.

Ning Tang glanced at them. They were dirty, as if they had been rolling around in the mud. She said, "When you play, don't run into dirty places. Keep your clothes clean and wash them quickly. Otherwise, you'll have to wash them every day."

Dawa looked at his clothes and admitted they were a bit dirty. He grinned and said, "Then let's wear fewer white clothes and more dark-colored ones. That way, even if they get dirty, it won't be noticeable."

Erniu pursed her lips and said, "I don't like dark-colored clothes."

As the little girl grew older and became more conscious of beauty, she no longer liked wearing dark-colored clothes. Instead, she preferred light-colored clothes with beautiful patterns, embroidered with flowers and grass.

Ning Tang laughed and said, "You're something else, Dawa." Then she turned to Erniu and said, "Well, washing clothes is your dad's job. I only wash them occasionally. Wear whatever you like."

Shen Lie came back from work, coincidentally hearing the remark, "You're really good at assigning tasks to me."

Ning Tang asked him, "What should we have for dinner?"

Shen Lie replied, "Porridge with pickled vegetables and steamed seafood."

With the hot weather, the whole family lost their appetite. Since the beginning of summer, they stopped making dry rice and switched to porridge instead. They paired it with various pickled vegetables sent by Sister Luo, which were even more appetizing than the lavish seafood.

As the sun set in the hot summer evening, after finishing their meal, the sky still had a patch of orange sunset glow, painting half of the sky red.

Ning Tang stood in the yard, looking into the distance, her thoughts racing in her mind.

She could still remember that at this time in the modern world, she hadn't even finished work yet. She would either be eating takeout while working overtime at the company or attending meetings with her superiors and colleagues. She was always busy, unable to find the time to appreciate such a beautiful sunset glow.

Now, it seemed that traveling through time wasn't entirely a bad thing. Perhaps, fate had brought her, a former workaholic, to this slower-paced era to recuperate and enjoy life.

Shen Lie walked over and asked, "What are you looking at?"

He curiously glanced at the sky but failed to see anything particularly special.

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