Chapter 35: Stupidity is Contagious

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The adults were busy talking and didn't notice that Dawa was standing nearby. He had drunk too much ginger jujube tea and needed to use the bathroom.

Coincidentally, the bathroom was on the way to Ning Tang's table, so Dawa overheard their entire conversation.

They ate and drank until evening, and when they realized it was getting late, everyone bid their farewells.

The children were reluctant to part ways. Qi Dahu and Wang Zhuangzhuang held Dawa's hand, one on each side. "Dawa, we'll come to play with you next time," they said.

Dawa nodded, agreeing, "Okay."

Zeng Xinlan smiled and said, "We live just a few steps away from each other. Why talk about next time or not? Besides, school is about to start, and once we're in school, we'll see each other every day."

When the topic of school came up, Zeng Xinlan remembered something. "By the way, did you finish your homework during winter vacation?"

Of course not!

They had been busy playing throughout the entire winter vacation, especially during the Chinese New Year period. The group of kids had a blast and almost went crazy. They hadn't even touched their homework during winter vacation.

Dawa turned stiffly and said, "Um, well, I need to help my dad clean the house." After saying that, he sprinted away.

Zeng Xinlan then asked Da Hu and Wang Zhuangzhuang, "What about you two?"

The two children looked at each other, patted their bulging bellies, and laughed, "Oh, we're hungry. Let's go home and eat." With that, they ran off.

This left Zeng Xinlan looking puzzled. Didn't they just eat and drink all afternoon?

Rice candy, cat ears, rice cakes... you were eating so happily, how come you're hungry again so soon?

Ning Tang accompanied Ding Ronghua and Captain Wang as they left. Ding Ronghua held Ning Tang's hand and repeatedly urged, "Ning, the Women's Committee is recruiting staff in early March. You must sign up! I believe in you. As long as you join, you will definitely pass."

Ning Tang's face almost froze from smiling. "Okay, okay. I'll discuss it with Captain Shen later." She jokingly threw the responsibility onto Shen Lie.

Upon hearing that Ning Tang would discuss it with Shen Lie, Ding Ronghua thought for a moment and realized it made sense. After all, going out to work was a big deal, and it wouldn't be appropriate if Ning Tang didn't consult Shen Lie. So she stopped persuading her.

But before leaving, she reminded Ning Tang several times to make sure she signed up. She threatened to get angry if she didn't see Ning Tang's application form.

After finally seeing Ding Ronghua off, Ning Tang patted her stiff face and asked Sister Lou, who stayed behind to help her clean the house, "Sister, why does Ding Ronghua keep urging me to sign up for that Women's Committee and become a staff member?"

Sister Lou swept the melon seed and peanut shells on the floor into a pile with a broom and smiled, "I guess she sees your abilities and that's why she strongly insists on it."

Ning Tang was puzzled, "What abilities do I have?"

Sister Lou said, "Don't you remember what happened with Wang Di?"

With that reminder, Ning Tang recalled that she had used a subtle approach when distributing jackfruits, which had resolved Wang Di's attempt to jump the queue.

Ding Ronghua, as the head of the Women's Committee, would have been informed about the incident, even if she wasn't present at the time. Someone, like Xiaoling, would have reported it to her afterwards.

Lazy Stepmother of the 70s IslandUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum