Chapter 86: Contentment and Joy

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After listening to the military wives' boasting and showing off, Ning Xue felt somewhat disinterested.

Because the person she most wanted to show off to hadn't come.

After enduring all these years, Ning Xue's determination was the only thing keeping her going.

According to her imagination, when the college entrance exam results came out, Su Guangzong and Su Yaozu would have been admitted to good universities. Ning Tang should have been very jealous, and her Dawa should have been resentful and self-pitying. Shen Lie would have blamed Ning Tang, saying that she couldn't educate the children properly.

But they couldn't compare to her.

Ning Xue couldn't understand it at all.

Since Ning Tang didn't come to her, she decided to go to Ning Tang's place herself.

On Sunday morning, when Ning Tang returned home after buying groceries, she ran into Ning Xue who was waiting for her.

In the past two years, Ning Tang rarely saw her because Ning Xue hardly ever left the house due to the twins' studies. Today, as Ning Tang carefully observed Ning Xue, she realized that Wu Xiuqin was right—Ning Xue had aged quite a bit, with streaks of gray in her temples.

Ning Xue was wearing a gray turtleneck with black pants today, looking rather dull and not at all bright.

To save money for the twins' exercise books and reference materials, she couldn't bear to spend on skincare products and nice clothes. The twins' clothes were constantly replaced, but she had been wearing the same old clothes for seven or eight years.

She couldn't understand Ning Tang, and Ning Tang couldn't understand her either.

How could they let themselves become like this?

As Ning Tang scrutinized Ning Xue, Ning Xue was also examining her.

She scrutinized Ning Tang's hair, clothes, shoes... every aspect of her appearance.

It is often said that the quality of one's diet and well-being can be seen at a glance. Ning Tang's hair was glossy and black, like smooth satin, while Ning Xue's hair was dry, yellow, and split-ended, as if it hadn't been taken care of for a long time.

She was wearing clothes from seven or eight years ago, while Ning Tang was dressed in the latest trendy small checkered pattern and bold prints.

Her gaze swept over Ning Tang's hands, fair and delicate as spring onions, clearly well-maintained. In contrast, her own hands were rough and yellowed from years of doing household chores.

Ning Xue instinctively withdrew her hands, feeling self-conscious.

Ning Tang asked, "Is there something you need?"

Looking at the radiant Ning Tang, Ning Xue felt unsure in her heart, but she still held her head high, like a proud swan. "The college entrance exam results are out. Guangzong and Yaozu got into Fudan University and Shanghai Jiao Tong University."

She did have the right to be proud because she had raised two university students, two of them!

In this day and age, graduating meant guaranteed job placement. The future prospects for the twins were undoubtedly bright.

Ning Tang nodded. "So what?"

She couldn't care less about how the twins performed in their exams or which university they got into. They weren't her sons.

Ning Xue's eyelid twitched. The thing she hated the most was Ning Tang's indifferent appearance, as if a punch had landed on cotton. "So what? I've inquired about it. Your Dawa and Erniu probably got into some kind of accountancy institute and music college."

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