Chapter 3 Choosing a Son-in-Law

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Hi! I like reading Chinese novels but sometimes I run out of translated novels to read. Unfortunately, I don't know how to read or speak Chinese/Mandarin so I rely on Google to translate the novels. I recently found out that ChatGPT does a better job in translating novels but you have to copy and paste it in the chat box and there's a character limit so it takes a bit of time. I'm translating the novels that I liked through ChatGPT and sharing them with you (people who like Chinese novels too).

English is my 2nd language so if you find any grammar mistakes, please bear with me. You can leave a comment so I can change them.



In the house of Ning Weidang, Ning Weidang, Zhou Yin, Ning Xue, and Ning De sat at a table.

Without beating around the bush, Zhou Yin asked Ning Xue directly, "Between Shen Lie and Su Junyan, which one do you like?"

Although Ning Xue had been married before, her face couldn't help but blush when Zhou Yin asked her. She stammered, "Mom, why are you asking me? I don't know what to say."

Ning De supported his head with one hand, his eyelids half-closed, half-open. "Sis, don't hesitate. I beg you to quickly say it. I'm in a hurry to sleep. I gave my room to Brother Shen and Brother Su. Later, I still have to sleep on the floor in Dad's room."

Ning Weidang said, "The army report also describes the situation of both of them clearly. Shen Lie and Su Junyan have both been married before. Shen Lie's ex-wife passed away, and he has three children left at home, two sons and a daughter. Su Junyan divorced his ex-wife and raised a pair of twin sons himself."

Zhou Yin said, "You've also spent time with both of them. Which one do you think is more suitable for you? I'll talk to them tomorrow."

Ning Xue couldn't make up her mind. In terms of rank, Shen Lie's position was higher, as he was a battalion commander, while Su Junyan was only a logistics officer, equivalent to a deputy company commander. Moreover, in terms of career development, Shen Lie had a more promising future.

However, if it came to looks and speech, Su Junyan was much more likable than Shen Lie.

Ning Xue hesitated and asked, "Mom, what do you think?"

Zhou Yin thought for a moment and said, "If you ask me to choose, I would choose Comrade Su. After all, he knows how to handle things, while Comrade Shen is like a wooden stake, unable to speak coherently. If he were in the army, would he have any prospects?"

Ning Xue bit her lip and said, "But he has a lower rank and is in charge of logistics, which means he earns less than Shen Lie."

Zhou Yin slapped her thigh and said, "You're wrong about that. Being in charge of logistics is good. There's more money to be made. Just look at the head chefs of state-owned restaurants in the city. They all eat oil and drink water, and in addition, logistics officers don't have to go to the battlefield, which is much safer. Now the South China Sea is restless, and war may break out soon. Shen Lie is a battalion commander, and he'll definitely be the first to go. If you marry him, you may become a widow in no time."

Ning De interjected, "Whether he goes to the battlefield or not is another matter, but it's true that the benefits are greater. Su gave a bigger dowry than Shen, 300 yuan compared to Shen's 200, which is 100 more."

Zhou Yin patted his younger son's head and said, "See, even your brother knows this."

Ning De pursed his lips, he didn't mean that, but he didn't dare to refute Zhou Yin's words face to face.

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