Chapter 8: Everyone Has a Father

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Shen Lie introduced the two to the woman, "This is Sister Luo, the wife of our political commissar of the First Unit."

"You can just call me Sister Luo," Sister Luo said, then she asked Ning Tang and Ning Xue, "You are Captain Shen and Chief Su's wives, right?"

Shen Lie and Su Junyan's leave to go on a blind date and submit their marriage report was not a secret on the island, especially since Sister Luo's husband was a political commissar and all marriage reports had to be approved by him first. Ning Tang and Ning Xue were standing closely on either side of them, so it was obvious to anyone with eyes. Sister Luo asked the question knowingly.

Ning Xue was feeling seasick and wanted to rest, but Sister Luo stopped her. She was already a little unhappy, and seeing that Sister Luo's temperament and appearance were relatively plain, she looked down on her.

So when Sister Luo asked, she just responded coldly, "Mm."

Ning Tang, on the other hand, was more outgoing and said, "Yes, my name is Ning Tang. You can call me Xiao Ning."

Ning Tang looked at the bucket that Sister Luo had been carrying all afternoon. The red plastic bucket was filled with small, black and gray shells that looked like Buddha's hand. She asked, "Auntie, what is that you're carrying?"

Sister Luo was interested in Ning Tang's curiosity about the thing she had been working on all afternoon and became eager to talk about it. "Xiao Ning, you're from the inland, so you probably haven't seen this before. This is called a conch. You can eat it."

Ning Tang looked at it a few more times and admitted that she had never seen it before. "It looks pretty strange. Do you boil it or fry it?"

"You can do either," Sister Luo said with enthusiasm. She then spent some time explaining the different ways to eat it and even gave a bag of them to Ning Tang before letting her go.

Ning Tang wiped the sweat off her forehead. Sister Luo was too enthusiastic. If it weren't for the sun setting and it getting late, Sister Luo probably would have continued talking to her.

After saying goodbye to Sister Luo, the four of them went to the military housing compound where they were staying.

All the way, Su Junyan was introducing, "The area of Hailang Island is not large, but basic infrastructure such as clinics, schools, and grain and oil stations are all available. It's small but perfectly formed."

"Do we live here?" Ning Xue pointed to some bungalows they passed by.

Su Junyan smiled, "These are the houses of the island residents. Shen Lie and I live in the military family quarters built by the army. We also live closer to the center, and there are guards at the entrance."

Military family quarters? Guards at the entrance?!

Ning Xue's eyes were filled with greed when she heard this. This was something she had never imagined before, and she couldn't help but look at Su Junyan with admiration.

Su Junyan enjoyed the admiration in Ning Xue's eyes and smiled.

As they were talking, they arrived at the military family quarters that Su Junyan mentioned. As expected, there were guards in blue and white military uniforms standing at the gate.

When the guards saw Shen Lie and Su Junyan, they saluted the two.

Shen Lie and Su Junyan showed their documents to the guards and introduced the identities of Ning Tang and Ning Xue. After the guards verified their identities, the four of them were allowed in.

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