Chapter 31: Comprehension

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Today was the day when Dawa would bring home his grades. Shen Lie had finished his work in the army early and left work ahead of time, eagerly waiting at home.

He would sit on the chair for a while, then pace back and forth in the house. There was not a moment of rest.

"Erniu, how many points do you think your brother will score this time?" Shen Lie asked.

Erniu had no idea, so she casually replied while scratching her little braid, "Maybe he will score a hundred."

A hundred points was the highest score, and even Erniu knew that.

Upon hearing Erniu's words, Shen Lie nodded. "Hmm, I also think your brother can score a hundred. He has always been clever since he was little."

Asking Erniu alone was not enough, so he went to ask Sanwa.

He picked up Sanwa and patted his little bottom, asking, "Sanwa, tell me, how many points do you think your big brother will score?"

Sanwa was engrossed in playing with a wooden toy car and ignored him.

Seeing this, Shen Lie put Sanwa down. "Go on, continue playing."

Just as he was speaking, Dawa rushed into the house in a hurry, shouting, "Dad, I'm back!"

Shen Lie saw Dawa's brisk footsteps and wondered if he had done well in the exams this time.

He felt a secret joy in his heart and stepped forward to greet him. "Welcome back. Did you bring back your test papers? How many points did you score in the exams this time?"

Dawa patted his school bag. "I put the test papers in my bag." Then he glanced around and said, "Guess how many points I scored."

Shen Lie snorted, "I guess you want to eat stir-fried pork with bamboo shoots tonight. Now, tell me, how many points did you score in Chinese?"

He planned to start with the Chinese subject. Dawa was articulate and spoke fluently. He shouldn't have performed poorly in Chinese, right?

Dawa: "Sixty points."

Shen Lie widened his eyes, "Say it again, how many?"

This was the Chinese subject for first grade!!

Dawa took two steps back and hid behind the table before daring to speak, "I said, I scored sixty points in Chinese."

Shen Lie took a deep breath and unfastened his belt from his pants, "Sixty points, alright, you'll see how I beat you today."

Dawa quickly raised his hand in a gesture to stop him, "Why don't you ask me how many points is the full score?"

Shen Lie paused and reattached his belt, "Then tell me, what is the full score?"

Could it be that the elementary school on the island changed its grading system, and the maximum score was not high, unlike their time when a hundred points was the full score?

Dawa smiled mischievously, "It's a hundred points."

Shen Lie unfastened his belt again, "If I don't beat you today, I won't share the same surname as you."

Dawa muttered, "But we already have the same surname."

Shen Lie swung his belt fiercely, and Dawa quickly said, "Wait, why don't you ask what the highest score in our class is?"

Shen Lie froze again and thought, could it be that he had blamed Dawa wrongly? Maybe... although Dawa scored low, it was because the test paper was exceptionally difficult, which resulted in his sixty points?

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