Chapter 78: Getting Into Trouble

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Ning Tang said, "Do you know what I appreciate the most about your dad?"

Dawa played along, "What is it?"

"He takes initiative." Ning Tang replied.

Shen Lie is different from Uncle Qi. He belongs to the kind of man who takes initiative.

If the floors or tables in the house are dirty, if he notices, he will proactively clean them instead of waiting for Ning Tang to come and do it.

Anyway, Ning Tang admires this about him and advised the three kids, "In the future, when you look for a partner, regardless of gender, find someone who takes initiative. Remember this phrase: diligent people won't fall far behind. Got it?"

The three kids nodded and echoed in unison, "Got it."

As they were talking, Sanwa finished stir-frying the vegetables. "Mom, taste it."

Ning Tang took a glance and commented, "These vegetables are stir-fried pretty well." Not burnt, good color, and it smelled delicious.

She didn't even teach them much, but Sanwa managed to stir-fry it so well. Not bad at all.

She picked up her chopsticks and took a bite, praising, "The taste is great too."

Dawa didn't believe it, so he tried a piece of the vegetables stir-fried by Sanwa. Hey, surprise, the taste was actually good. "Sanwa, how did you stir-fry it so well?"

Sanwa scratched his head, "I don't know. Is it difficult? I just imitated how Dad and Mom cook. I poured the vegetables into the pan, stir-fried them a few times, and that's it."

"But what about the cooking time?" The most challenging part of cooking is mastering the cooking time.

Sanwa looked confused, "What do you mean by cooking time? I just feel like it should be stir-fried until it's about right, and then it's done."

Ning Tang felt very pleased and said, "It seems like Sanwa has a talent for cooking, huh?"

Could it be that there's really a cooking genius in the family?

Erniu rolled up her sleeves confidently and said, "Let me give it a try."

Ning Tang expressed great anticipation. Dawa's culinary skills followed her, Sanwa's culinary skills followed Shen Lie, so what about Erniu? It should be somewhere in between, right?

Erniu made a stir-fried dish of green beans with eggplant. Ning Tang took a bite, patted Erniu's shoulder, and said with a mix of bitterness and deep feelings, "It seems like your culinary skills follow mine."

Dawa spat out a piece of eggplant immediately and looked at Ning Tang, saying, "Mom, you and Dad should save more money in the future."

Ning Tang asked, "Why?"

Sanwa struggled to swallow the blackish green beans and said, "Save more dowry, otherwise, Sister won't be able to get married in the future."

Dawa chimed in, "Whoever marries her will be unlucky."

Erniu didn't believe in such superstitions and rolled up her sleeves, saying, "I don't believe it, let me make another dish."

Ning Tang quickly stopped her, saying, "No, we don't have many ingredients left at home. Let's finish what we have and decide what to eat for lunch."

At noon, Shen Lie returned home, and Ning Tang had him taste the three dishes made by Dawa, Erniu, and Sanwa.

Shen Lie's reaction was similar to Dawa and Sanwa's. "Did Erniu really cook these dishes? Are you tricking me? It should be Dawa who cooked them. Only he can stir-fry the vegetables until they're burnt."

Lazy Stepmother of the 70s Islandحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن