Chapter 66: Being a Guest

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Happy Monday morning. It's now 4 in the morning. As promise, here are the chapters. This is the last batch upload for this novel (Yey! We're done). I'm done fixing the MTL so I'm uploading all of them. If there's any grammar mistake or portion that does not seem right, please leave a comment on the sections so I can fix them. I have to admit that I was rushing the last chapters, so there could be a lot of mistakes there, so please point them out if you can. Thank you much!! :)


Welcoming Zhou Caiwei inside, Ning Tang invited her to sit on the lounge chair and went back to the kitchen to prepare some fresh fruits. She also opened a coconut and inserted a disposable cork straw that Shen Lie had found for her.

Zhou Caiwei expressed her thanks and took a big sip of the refreshing coconut water, feeling her thirst quenching.

Ning Tang noticed her gaze lingering on the small round table, where several books were placed. She handed one of them to Zhou Caiwei and asked, "Would you like to read, Teacher Zhou?"

Zhou Caiwei blinked quickly and replied, "Can I? Mrs. Ning."

Ning Tang chuckled, "Of course, feel free to read."

Unlike Shen Lie, who finished one book before moving on to the next, Ning Tang preferred selecting a few books she liked and reading a portion of each, bookmarking them as she went. Therefore, she brought out several books at once.

She added, "You don't have to call me Mrs. Ning anymore; you can just call me Ning."

Zhou Caiwei hesitated for a moment before saying, "...Ning."

"If these books don't suit your taste, you can go to the bookshelf in the living room and find something else to read. We have other books there," Ning Tang suggested.

Zhou Caiwei was taken aback. "You have a bookshelf at home?"

"Yes, both Shen Captain and I, along with Dawa, Erniu, and Sanwa, enjoy reading. We often go to the Xinhua Bookstore in Jiang City to buy books. Eventually, we had so many that we hired someone to build a bookshelf for storage," Ning Tang glanced at Zhou Caiwei and continued, "Speaking of which, our interest in reading books has a bit of a connection with you, Teacher Zhou."

Zhou Caiwei pointed at herself, surprised. "It has something to do with me?"

Ning Tang explained, "Dawa told us that sometimes you would pick stories from books to tell in class. Dawa really enjoys listening to them, and it inspired both Shen Captain and me to start reading books."

Through the window, Zhou Caiwei saw the neatly arranged bookshelf in the Shen family's living room, filled with numerous books, confirming Ning Tang's words. She pursed her lips and dryly commented, "Reading more books is a good thing."

Ning Tang's lips curved up. "Hmm."

Zhou Caiwei took a copy of Pride and Prejudice and started reading.

At first, she couldn't focus on the book. After flipping through a couple of pages, her gaze involuntarily shifted towards Ning Tang.

Ning Tang was half-lying on the lounge chair, with one leg bent and the other stretched out. She held a book in her hand, occasionally flipping through its pages. She would take sips of coconut water and fork some pieces of fruit to eat, completely at ease and content.

Zhou Caiwei glanced at Ning Tang a few more times and realized that Ning Tang didn't seem to have any intention of engaging in conversation. Calling her inside seemed more like an invitation to have a companion to enjoy the afternoon by reading together.

Lazy Stepmother of the 70s IslandHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin