16: Why

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"I'm afraid...." Lance started.

This is it...

"No," Lance said, frowning.

I gulped. WTF?! Why? Why? Why? WHY????

"Why? Lance why??" I asked him, my eyebrows furrowed.

He looked up to meet our eyes. He stepped forward and place his hands inside his pockets.

"I just can't, Abigail. I already have a girlfriend," Lance explained, sighing.

My eyes widened. What? WHAT?

"What the fudge, Lance? Oh my God is that why you broke up with her?" I asked, angrily. Oh I really wanna punch this guy's face.

"Yes, Abigail," he answered with confidence.

I stepped forward ready to punch some sense into him but he stopped me.

"Wait, wait! Abigail! Hold on!" Lance exclaimed. "There's a reason for everything. And I'm gonna explain that reason,"

I drop my hand down and crossed my arms across my chest. "Then explain," I said, gesturing him to start talking.

"Well, while me and Kesha were together, my parents came home from England. They were working there for two years plus three months and they picked that date to come home. When they came home, they decided that we would eat out since they just came and-"

"Wait, wait," I interrupted him. "Can you just get to the point?" I said, rolling my eyes as I placed my hands on my hips.

"Okay fine. So my Dad asked me if I had a girlfriend. And I said yes. They asked me who was she and I told them Kesha Olsen. What they said next surprised me," he stopped to take a deep breath and continued,

"Well, seems that Kesha's family and my family are actually enemies. They've been enemies since high school. Actually, they're just like us. Troublemakers. But they didn't prank other students. They just pranked each other. They continued like this until they graduated high school. Nothing has changed ever since.

When I told them that I really, really, REALLY love Kesha, they said that they couldn't accept her because they're like nemesis or whatever they call themselves and besides, they already arranged a girl for me, who is currently my girlfriend right now, Michelle Williams. She's this fashion model here. I mean, she's hot but I don't love her the same way I love Kesha. So the end. End of story," he explained. My jaw dropped down in disbelief.

"Oh. My. God. But do you still love Kesha?" I asked him. Please let it be a yes. Please let it be a yes.

"Yes but I'm trying not to because my parents told me that I should get rid of it," he said, bringing up that frown of his.

I sighed. Like what they say, parents love to play matchmaker.

"I'm so sorry, Lance. I really wanted to punch you because I thought you just didn't care for Kesha. But actually, it was your parents decision. I am sooo sorry," I said, pleadingly.

"Hey it's okay, Abigail. I mean, you didn't know. If I were you, I would want to punch myself. I just wish me and Kesha could have a happily ever after," he muttered, sadly looking away.

"Why didn't you tell Kesha why you broke up with her?" I asked him.

"Well, I didn't want to add the pain more. I know she's already hurt by the break-up but I don't want to hurt her more by telling her the reason," Lance explained, meeting my eyes.

Well this is truly a sad love story

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