49: Graduation Prank?

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March 2016

***Abigail's POV***

"OMG I can't believe we're graduating in just a few minutes! We're soon gonna be in college and after, we'll be ADULTS! Uh-huh! Oh yeah! OMG I am so excited!"

I rolled my eyes at Kesha's blabbering, focusing on making my face presentable. My hair was styled up into a bun with two strands in front and my face was filled with make-up but not too much. I was just finishing applying a rosy shade on my eyelids and I am done.

"And.. Done!" I smile and turn to face Kesha. "Hey, do I look okay?" I pose in front of Kesha who was tapping on her phone away. She glances up and nods before turning back to her phone.

"Seriously, Sha, do I look okay?" I fix my graduation coat and hat hastily. I wanted to look presentable to the crowd. Also, for Josh.

Speaking of Josh, ever since we were together nothing really has happened. We did argue of small things but, we always find a way back to each other. As cheesy as it sounds, it's true. I love him, he loves me.. that's all that matters to me. I just hope that nothing will get in between our relationship.

Kesha and Lance, well, staying strong. I sometimes even envy Kesha because Lance is such a sweet boy and always surprises Kesha with different stuff but, I feel more than okay with Josh because I would think if Josh would keep on surprising me, it would be a handful. I love him for how he loves me. I'm contented with him.

Kesha snapping her finger brings me back to reality. "Abigail! C'mon the program's about to start," she said, grinning before walking out. I sigh and follow her close behind.

After a few minutes of walking, we arrived at a room that was very unfamiliar for me.

"Umm, Kesha? What is this place?" I glance at Kesha questioningly and she grins.

"Abigail!" I hear a familiar voice exclaim and I turn around to see the rest of the gang.

"Heya guys!" I exclaimed, smiling widely. I look at Kesha confusingly but she just kept on grinning stupidly. Weird.

"Hey baby," I heard that voice which I loved and turned around to face him. He looked hot with his look, his hair slightly disheveled and skin tan. He had this lopsided smile on his face and he flashed me a wink. I found myself smiling.

"Baby your face," I said, hugging him. He hugged me back, making me relax.

"You nervous?" he whispered. I could feel his breath on my neck, making me have this tingling feeling.

I shook my head. "Not at all. You?" I backed my head to look at Josh's face and he gives me a wide grin.

"Never, since you're here," he whispered the last statement and then walked away, leaving me dumbfounded. I felt my cheeks heat up and I bit my lip.

"Okay guys! I have a plan," Kesha exclaimed, gesturing us to huddle up with her one arm, the other held by Lance.

We all neared her and she started whispering, "This is called, the graduation prank. We haven't done pranks because of some... incidents," she shrugs. "But now, this is gonna be our last prank so, game?" She raises her one eyebrow at us and we shout, "Game!"

* * * * *

"Welcome everyone to the 16th Graduation Seremony of Ambrose High. I am Mrs. Karen Walters, principal of this school..."

I start breathing heavily as we silently run to where they manage the lights, sounds, music or, in short, controls. My heart was beating fast since I wasn't really that used to the pranking yet, but when I felt Josh's hand squeezing mine, I relaxed.

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