42: The News

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"Bye Sha!" I wave my hand at her as we both head out of the coffee shop.

"Do you need a ride home?" she asks, looking at me worriedly. I tucked my hands in my pockets and shook my head.

"Oh I'll drive you ho-"

"No! Kesh, it's fine. I'll just call my Mom to pick me up," I explained, shrugging.

"You sure?" she holds both of my shoulders, looking at me intently. "It's dangerous around this time,"

"I'm gonna be fine. Don't worry about me," I remove her hands which are on my shoulders. "Bye,"

"Bye!" she says, giving me a smile before jogging to her car. She heads in and starts the engine. She lowers down her window, waving at me before she drives away.

I sigh, fishing for my phone in my pocket and dialling my Mother. She picks up after two rings. ["Hello?"]

"Mom!" I exclaim loudly, covering my mouth. I tuck a strand of hair behind my ear and look around nervously. "Are you at the house?"

["No hon"]she replies, smacking her lips. ["I am on a date"]

I choke on my saliva as I heard what Mom said. "WHAT?!" I exclaim.

["Honey, don't be such a drama queen. I just...want to move on with your Dad! Plus, you need a father, sweetie! You gotta experience having a father, so-"]

"Mom!" I groan. "Yes I need a father but ugh! Why Mom? You could've told me before you met whoever that asshole you call your boyfriend is!" I yell, not bothering that I cussed while talking to my Mom.

I heard her gasp and then silence. I know, it was wrong to cuss, especially at my mother. But, she should've at least asked what I thought about it. About her having another guy. Even though Dad's dead, I still don't feel like Mom should go dating other guys. It feels like she's cheating on Dad.

["Don't you dare call Paolo that! I know honey that you haven't moved on from your Daddy's death, but-"]

"NO MOM! Ugh I can't believe you!" I yell. I was on the verge of tears now. "I did already Mom. I already moved on because it has been FOUR FUCKING YEARS since he died. But my point here Mom is that you comepletely forgot about ME! You forgot about how I would react to this sudden thing! Mom, it's like you don't care for me anymore. You forgot you're own daughter! Have you ever thought what I would feel? About this? Really, Mom, I cannot believe you!

Mom, I wish you could just take a look at yourself and also think if what you're doing is right. Because for me? It isn't. It's fucking difficult! I'm sorry Mom if I'm a bad daughter right now but I'm just saying my opinion. If you're gonna marry another guy, comepletely forgetting about the fact that you are replacing Dad, count me OUT!" I yell before pressing the END CALL button. I then weakly sobbed as I fell to the ground slowly. I covered my eyes as tears ran down my cheeks continously.

Why? Why does my life have to be like this? Why did Mom forget about me? Didn't she think what would I feel about her replacing Dad? She acts like a freakin' teenager! Well, sorry Mom but you are an adult and you should be more mature about this! Ugh....


My eyes widened as I heard a voice call my name. I removed my hands away from my eyes and looked up...

Oh. My. Waters.

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