26: Flirty Beeyotch

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After me and Josh ate some Hawaiian and Cheesy Cheese pizza, we finished our drinks and headed out of the restaurant.

We were silent as we walked side by side. I bit my lip nervously and focused my gaze right on the tiled, brown floor. I peeked at Josh's face and his expression is blank. Just blank.

What has gotten into him? I thought. He's been like that after the meeting-Harry-Styles thing.

"Josh? You okay?" I asked, looking at him. He stopped walking and I did the same. He looked at me and brushed his hair up.

Oh. My. God. I thought, my eyes widening. That. Was. HOT!!!

"Hey, Abigail!"

I blinked a few times and looked at Josh questioningly. "Umm...y-you were saying?" I said, plastering my fake smile.

He raised his one eyebrow at me and I avoided eye contact. Oh God Abigail. Stop it. Really.

"Josh! I cannot believe you are here! I didn't excpect you here," a familiar, annoying, ear-bleeding, high-pitched voice says. I press my lips into a thin line and cross my arms over my chest. Oh God. Her? Really? I thought, rolling my eyes.

I turn to my side to see...

"Cassie Knight. What a pleasure to see you here," I say, plastering my fake smile(again).

Cassie scoffs and glares at me. But when she looked at Josh, she smiled sweetly at him and winked at him.

What the hell?! Hell no! She is one flirty beeyotch! I'm S-E-R-I-O-U-S!

Okay, did I really need to spell it? Hays, when it comes to Cassie, I am crazy.

"Oh, hey Cass," Josh spats out venomously as he narrows his eyes at Cassie. Cassie looks at him confusingly and I laugh in my mind. Haha! Sorry Cassie, but Josh HATES you. Get it? H-A-T-E-S YOU!" I thought, smiling devilishly.

"Umm...Abigail? Why are you smiling? Excusiemwah but you look like a big, fat, red-nosed clown there who is being forced to smile. Boo-hoo-hoo," Cassie says, laughing with that high-pitch voice of hers.

I glare at her and she stops laughing. She then goes back to flirting to Josh.

"Oh. My. Gee Josh. I never knew you come to the mall! Especially here. OMG. I think we were destined, you know? Destined to meet? Ooh! Like, like that lunch time in school? When we bumped into each other on the way inside? Literally? OMG I think I know why we alwayd bump! This is thing we have? It's called destiny, Josh. OMG I think we are meant to be," Cassie says as I roll my eyes. I look at Josh and he rolls his eyes too.

"Oh and why are you hanging out with Abigail Collins? I swear, her armpits stink of urine! Eww this girl is totally a big NO! I mean, she just hangs out with you guys because 1. She is a transferee 2. She wants to he popular and 3. She likes you!"

I turn to her and raise my one eyebrow. God. I am done with this beeyotch.

"What the fuck are you talking about, Cassie? What did I fucking do to you that you treat me like that? Is it because that lunch time when you messed me up and made me angry? God Cassie, if you were angry, you couldn't control yourself. And what the hell did you say? My armpits stink?! Of URINE?! Don't you dare say that because from what I've heard, your armpits are BLACK and freakin' and disgustingly STINKY because you are lazy enough to put deodorant. Seriously, I wouldn't cling my arms with you," which is true. I heard from Arianne and Patricia that her armpits are (what I said. I don't wanna say it cause it is so gross, I think I'm gonna vomit).

"Oh and I don't hang out with Josh, Arianne, Lance, Kesha, Keith and Patricia because I want to be popular. Or because I am a transferee. God I am even so grateful and happy to have friends! How about you Cassie? It doesn't seem that you have friends because those so-called friends of yours, you just treat them as slaves. So what's the point of you being popular? When all you do is act your way out?" I finish, smirking at her way.
I bit my tongue to keep myself from laughing at the sight in front of me.

Cassie's mouth is forming an 'O' and her eyes are widened. She froze like ice man. Hahaha!

"Well, we don't want to disturb your journey inside there Cass. Bye-bye! Nice talking to you," Josh says, grinning widely as he hold my hand and drags me away from Cassie.

My heartbeat stops as Josh hold my hand..




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