48: G-I-R-L-F-R-I-E-N-D?

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"Hey Kesha wait up!" I yelled at Kesha who was walking a distance away from me. She turned her head to give me a look that said 'i-am-bored-as-hell.'

"C'mon you slow poke or we'll be late. I don't wanna be scolded," she explained. I rolled my eyes and nodded, tying my hair up into a ponytail before walking the same pace with Kesha.

You might be wondering what has happened the past few weeks to us. Well, I'll tell you.

Ever since me and Josh admitted our feelings to each other, we've been hanging out and doing lovey dovey things all the time, like real couples.

The sad truth? We are still not a couple.

It's fine with me to be in a relationship with him but he said that I should just wait because the right time will come.

Seriously, Josh? Ugh.

I don't want to rush things too but just thinking of being with him makes me wanna scream in delight. I mean, the feeling is so vulnerable. It's like I can't wait to be with him.

"Abby? Earth to Abigail,"

I snap back to reality once I hear Kesha's voice seep into my thoughts. Ever since then, I've gained my trust on them already so they called me Abby. It really seems great that they called me Abby. It shows that they are now truly my best friends.

"Yeah?" I raise my one eyebrow questioningly. "I'm sorry just, spacing out,"

"Why?" she presses, applying lipstick on her lips. "It it because of Josh? Is he giving you a hard time?"

I shake my head 'no.' "Of course not," I flip my hair behind. "I love him, he loves me. Why did you say that?" I ask.
She shrugs. I roll my eyes. Typical Kesha.

"Babe!" I hear someone call. Me and Kesha turn around to see Lance standing there, gray shirt, jeans and all. He was wearing his Aviator sunglasses, the one we bought when we first met each other. When I first met them.

The Troublemakers.

Kesha and Lance have been seeing each other more lately ever since. Lucky as Kesha is, she and Lance are an item now. Ugh.

I really understand Josh though. I understand how he feels about going in a relationship. He just doesn't want to rush on things, I guess.

If that's how he wants to play, then fine. I have no other choice but to go along with it. I love him and I need to understand him, as his lover.

Okay that sounded weird. Haha.

"Lancey!" Kesha exclaimed too and ran up to her beloved. They both kissed for a long time, me standing there like any normal third wheel would. Sucks.

"Hey there, best friend," Lance nodded at me once they were close enough. I waved sheepishly. Lance declared that we would be best friends a few weeks ago so I agreed. It's nice to be best friends with Lance, I'm okay with that. Depsite the awkward moments, we just went with the flow.

I smiled. "All of you guys are my best friend, you know,"

"I know," he shrugged, wrapping an arm around Kesha. They both grinned at each other and I, on the other hand, just savored the moment of being the singlw pringle.

"Shouldn't you be somewhere?" Lance pointed and my eyes widened.

"Oh yeah. C'mon, Kesha. We're gonna be late for class," I said, stepping forward to grab Kesha's free hand and dragging her out of Lance's grasp. Lance frowned while I chuckled. "I promise, she'll be all yours after our class," I said, smirking. He nodded and we waved goodbye at Lance before walking away from him.

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