29: Shut Up And Dance

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A/N: Song for this chap: Shut Up And Dance by Walk The Moon. Enjoy :pp

ILY, Maxi


We finally arrived at the Just Dance game and to be honest, I am sooo excited!

"So guys, who's first?" Patricia asks us, sipping on the remainings of her drink.

There was silence as we all pondered for a moment. I glance at Kesha and she's looking at me. We both stare until I break it, looking at Arianne.

"I think,"/"I think,"

Me and Josh lock stare and I can feel my heart beating faster. He smiled and I smiled back.

From the corner of my eye, I can see Kesha rolling her eyes as she crosses her arms over her chest.

Suddenly, Arianne speaks up. "How about we go in pairs? Multiplayers,"

I look at her and say, "Brilliant, Aria! But, who's going first?" I ask and look at each one of my friends. Except for the bitch.

Oh, I mean Kesha. Sorry.


Just kidding.

"I suggest Kesha and Josh," Keith pipes in and Lance, who is beside me, sucks in a breath. I, too, feel my heart breaking into a million pieces as I close my eyes in frustration.

I open my eyes and see Kesha looking at me with a devilish smile on her face. "Okay then. I suggest Abigail and Lance to be up next. This isn't just a game anymore. It's a contest," Kesha grins widely as she grabs Patricia's hand and drags her to the cashier.

I suddenly got a feeling that Kesha isn't doing this to win or to play...

She's doing it for revenge.

* * * * * *

Kesha and Josh positioned on the floor board. Josh asked Kesha something and Kesha looked at me and plastered her fake smile.

Kesha whispered something in Josh's ear, her focus still on me as I raise my one eyebrow at her.

After that, the music started and my eyes widened.

Chivalry Is Dead.

It's got parts that the guy would be a gentlemen to the girl.


The music started with Kesha sitting cross legged on the floor and Josh was dancing around. He caught me looking and smiled as I smiled back weakly.

After a few minutes, Kesha stood up and Josh took her by the hand and kissed it. I looked away, avoiding the sight in front of me. I could feel Kesha's stare burning at my cheek and I just fought the feeling of grabbing her hair.

"It's okay, Abigail. Everything will be o-Whoa," Lance stopped and I looked to see...

Kesha and Josh so close to each other.
I bit my lip nervously. My hands formed into fists as Kesha looks at me and smiles that evil smile of hers again before they break away and end the dance.

People around them clap, including Lance. Kesha stares at Lance, hurt plastered all over her face. She looked away, avoiding Lance.

"It's our turn now," Lance says. He grabs my hand and smiles reassuringly at me. "Don't worry, Abigail. We'll show them who's boss,"

I chuckle as Lance sings 'BO$$' by Fifth Harmony. We were about to head there when a hand touched my shoulder. I turned around to see...


"Good luck," he said, smiling. I returned his smile before turning around and walking to the Just Dance station.

Me and Lance position ourselves on the floor board. Lance starts picking songs, swiping the songs he didn't like.

"Lance, you're taking so long. What song are we-"

The song starts and my eyes widen, recognizing the song.

Shut Up And Dance!!

I give Lance a what-the-hell look and he starts snapping his fingers to the beat, following the steps in the screen.
I sigh and snap my fingers along with him and he nods his head, smiling.

We start to do fancy dance steps as I laugh happily. Me and Lance held hands like what the screen is telling us to do and we turn around as the music says,

Oh don't you dare look back

just keep your eyes on me

I said your holding back

She said, "Shut up and dance with me,"

This woman is my destiny

She said, "Oh-ooh-ohh"

Shut up and dance with me

I laughed as I mouthed the words 'Shut up and dance with me.'

After dancing for like ten minutes, the people who were watching clapped and whistled. I looked at Lance and he smiled at me.

"You did great," he whispered and I chuckled. "Not like you!" I exclaimed, laughing.

We both looked at the crowd and bowed. They clapped even louder.

As we headed back to the others, we kept on laughing and doing some of the moves we did.

"Yayyy! You guys did great!" Arianne exclaimed, clapping her hands girly-like.

"Thanks," I say, smiling and wiping the beads of sweat running down my face with my shirt. Lance hands me his hankerchief and I take it, thanking him too.

"How 'bout you and Keith, Rianne?" Lance jokes, looking at Arianne.

Arianne and Keith's eyes widen as they both look at each other. They start backing away from each other, saying, "Ew, ew, ew, ew!"

We all laugh at their reactions. I suddenly have a feeling someone's missing.

"Hey, where's Kesha and Josh?" I asked curiously.

"They left just as you both finished dancing. Kesha said she needed a snack because she was tired dancing and she tagged Josh along with her," Patricia explained, frowning.

I narrowed my eyes and my hands formed into fists again. What does she think she's doing? I thought angrily. She is seriously a bitch.

"Never mind them, Abigail. We just told them to meet us at Yellow Cab after they're done so, let's go!" Arianne reassures me, smiling.

I smile and nod and we start heading to Yellow Cab.

What has gotten into you, Kesha?

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