32: "I hate you, Kesha Olsen!"

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What the......

I couldn't believe Kesha would go this far...

Is she really that cruel? Why does she have to do this to me?

Tears started to form in my eyes as I ran to the opposite direction so that they won't see me. Anyway, they're too distracted to even notice me.

You're probably asking what I saw, that made me so pained and cry? Well, it hurts but like the saying goes 'Curiosity Kills', I'll tell you....

Kesha and Josh kissed.

Yep. You heard me right.

It seemed they were having a complete make-out cause Kesha was pulling on Josh's hair and her other arm was wrapped around his waist.

I headed to a corner where nobody will see me. Then, I started to cry.

It hurts...it really hurts to see the one you love being kissed by your ex-best friend. I know, I know. You're probably thinking I'm so over because Josh isn't even my boyfriend.

But, it still hurts...like so, so bad...

"ARRRGH! I HATE YOU KESHA OLSEN!" I screamed, grabbing my hair and closing my eyes in frustration as tears started to run down my cheeks.

I stood up and punched the wall. Hard. I flinched as I held my hand which is bleeding and hurting like hell. I didn't care right now. I am too heartbroken to care about myself.

"I hate you, Kesha....I hate you..." I mumble, sliding down to the floor and crying. I couldn't stop. Even if I wanted, too. And no one could stop me either.

"Abigail? Are you okay?"

* * * * *

***Josh's POV***

Kesha dragged me away from the Just Dance game which Lance and Abigail are in, dancing to the song, Shut Up And Dance by WALK THE MOON.

I actually felt heartbroken to see them both dancing. My heart broke even more when I saw them laughing and smiling as they held hands and did funky dance moves.

Wait...am I jealous?

No you idiot. You shouldn't be.

I sighed. Well, I guess I should listen.

"Kesha, where are we going?" I ask her dully. She just stares front, ignoring me. I roll my eyes and release from Kesha's tight grip on my hand.

"Josh, I just want to eat something...I'm hungry that's all," Kesha says, looking at me with her eyebrows furrowed.

"I don't believe you," I say, glaring at her.

Until I finally get on what's going on with her.

"You're jealous," I conclude. "You're jealous of Lance and Abigail," Kesha looks up at me and tries to plaster a confusing face but I've known her too long to know that she's acting.

Kesha, this isn't a theater where you can act you freakin' don't know! I thought. I actually feel the same way.

"What? Josh, what a-are yo-"

I cut her off by dragging her to Dunkin' Donuts. I wanted to talk to someone. I needed to talk to someone. I'm heartbroken like Kesha, too.

Finally, someone who feels the same way like me. I thought, sighing in relief as I look for an empty table. When I finally spotted one, I dragged Kesha along with me to the table without saying a word.

After we sat down and said our orders, we both started talking.

"So...you're jealous," I say, clenching and unclenching my hands.

Kesha looks at me and says, "Josh, I really don't know what you're-"

"DON'T ACT LIKE YOU DON'T KNOW KESHA!" I exclaim, slamming the table with the palm of my hand. "I FEEL THE EXACT SAME WAY!"

I look down, closing my eyes in frustration. I breathe in and breathe out, trying to calm myself down.

Tears start running down my cheeks. "I feel fucking the same way..." I mutter, biting my lip angrily.

I open my eyes and see people around me and Kesha staring at us. Mostly at me. Kesha was looking at something (or someone) as she squinted to see better.

She grinned evilly and she looked at me, clearing her throat.

"Josh, I hope you don't hate me for what I'm going to do next," Kesha says, looking at me as if asking permission.

"What do you me-"

She wrapped her one arm around my waist and used her other arm to grab my hair.

She then pulled me to kiss her.

What the fuck.

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