44: Love is in the air

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We both pulled away me looking down embarassingly. I felt my cheeks heat up and I mentally groaned.

Did we just....kiss?

Oh. My. God. KILL ME NOW!

"Umm.." I looked down embarassingly. Oh God this is so humiliating.

"Did....Did you like it?" I heard Josh ask. I looked up and he was looking at me too. I blushed even more. Ugh!!! I hate this...

"It...it was fine,"

Me and you both know it wasn't fine.

Oh shut up, conscience!

"Wh--Why did you just did that?" I asked, looking at him curiously. He broke eye contact, looking down.

"Abigail..I have something to tell you.."

My breathing hitched. OMG prepare for it. Prepare for the heartbre-

"I like you,"

***Lance's POV***

"Mom I'm heading to Keith's," I say, kissing my Mom on her cheek before heading out.

I pull my leather jacket even closer as I felt the cold breeze touch my skin. I stood there in the curb, waiting for a taxi.

There would be taxis but either there would be a passenger or they would simply ignore me. Shitty drivers.

After a few minutes of waiting, I decided on walking since Keith's house isn't really far. I'm just lazy enough to walk.

While I was walking, I started thinking of Kesha. How is she right now? Are her and Abigail friends again? I just noticed these past few days that they weren't talking and if they were actually talking, they would fight or say negative things to each other which makes me uncomfortable.

I like Abigail. Ever since that kiss I...I don't know I had this weird feeling. I liked her, I knew that. But, I think I like her because I could forget my feelings for Kesha.

Yes. I have still loved Kesha. Even though I have an arranged girlfriend by my parents. She's just...different. I can see that. I've known her for many years. I treated her like a sister. She was my best friend. Until that day came...


"Lancey Wancy!"

I turned around and saw her. Kesha Olsen. I felt my heart beat fast as she walks to my direction. This is honestly the first time my heart has ever beat so fast over a girl.

Does that...mean something?

"Hey Lancey, you okay?" I snap back to reality once I hear her say my name. I smile and hold her hands.

"I'm okay Shasha. Why are you here?" I ask, looking at her confusingly.

Me and Kesha are the best of friends ever since kindergarten. She saved me from those bullies and made me strong. She's a lifesaver.

She looks down, her cheeks turning pink. I pinch her cheeks making her even pinker. She's such a cutie. I don't know why I have never noticed that before.

"I...I have something to tell you, Lance,"

She looks up and she looks nervous. I know she's not joking because she said my name. Not the usual Lancey Wancy kind.

I raise my eyebrows as she sighs.

"I...I like you, Lance Cross,"


That was the day she confessed. The day she confessed she liked me. Also, that was the day I knew I liked her.

Suddenly, I spotted someone, her back turned on me. There was a guy in front of her, his arms wrapped around her waist. He was kissing the girl's neck. Talk about PDA!

But then when I looked at her sideways, I realized the girl was about to get raped!

I squinted my eyes to see clearly who was the girl. When I knew who it was, my eyes widened and I ran to their direction.

Once I was close enough, I punched the guy and he fell down. I turned around and saw her. She was on her knees, sobbing.

I headed to her and knelt down in front of her. I started to slowly hug her. And what she did next, surprised me...

She hugged me back.

She then said..

"Thank you L-Lance...T-Thank you..."




I can't contain myself. THE FEEEEELSSSS!!!

I am so happy right now. But I'm also a little sad because this story is gonna end soon! Probably in mid-December :(

I'll miss you guys. Remember that I love you all! ♡

Bye! Pls keep on voting and commenting :)

ILY, Maxi :3

PS Comment what do you like to happen in the next chapter. Kance or Jobigail? Okay tysm ^^

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