39: The Call

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***Abigail's POV***

It was a Saturday afternoon. My Mom was in the mall, window shopping with her friends in her office. Why can she go window shopping, but I can't? God.

After watching cooking shows and a DVD filled with 16 episodes of Spongebob Squarepants, I finally decided to text Lance. Anyway, Lance is my new best friend.


Me: Hey

Him: Hey you :))

Me: Whatcha doin??

Him: Oh just playing video games and reading Jordan Sparks' books

Me: You're kidding me, right??

Him: Nope

Me: Oh my God, that sounds really gay of you!

Him: What? Playing video games?

Me: Nooooo

Him: What is?

Me: Reading books by Jordan sparks! I didn't freakin' know you were into those kind of books

Him: Hahahaha. You just don't really know me well

Me: Yah...

Him: Anyway, I gotta go. I gotta attend this family dinner since my grandparents just came home from Singapore.

Me: :( Ok. Bye

Him: Don't be sad. Bye best friend. Love u <3 ;)

My eyes widened as I saw what he typed lastly. What does that mean? He...l-loves me?! Oh God.

I feel the blood rush into my cheeks as I read his text over and over again. I am sooo NOT dreaming.

I just took two deep breaths before finally replying..

Me: Love u 2 :3

I smiled widely. Why am I so freakin' happy?

I then decided to fall asleep in the couch...

* * * * * *

I woke up to the music Dessert by Dawin playing. Oh! That's my phone.

I quickly reached out for it, fumbling with it until I held it safely in my hands. I squinted my eyes to see the caller ID...

Sha2x is calling....

What the eff? Kesha? Really? I just had this happy moment here until she just disrupts it! God, why is she so devious?

After contemplating to myself whether I'd answer it, I finally decided to answer it so that I could hear what she would say for herself. When I pressed the ANSWER button, I quickly placed it on my ear and said,

"What is it, Ke-"


I froze after hearing her say that. Plus, her voice was croaky like she just came from crying hard.

Or maybe she did.

"W-what?" I finally asked, trying to calm myself down. What the hell? I never expected for her to say sorry. Especially to a girl like me.

"Oh God," she said, sniffing. Is it bad that I feel a bit sorry for her?

Okay, I feel REALLY sorry for her.

"Just....just meet me at the park. Where we talked last time. B-but if you don't want t-to, i-it's fine," she stuttered, sniffing from time to time.

I just froze there, my jaw dropped down. I couldn't believe that Kesha wanted to meet me. I thought she hated me? Ugh.

"Okay," I replied. "I'll go," After that she hanged up.

I feel sweat running down my face as I headed up to my room to change. Am I really gonna face Kesha Olsen?

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