28: Mean

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"Josh! Oh my God, I was so worried. Where have you been? Finally found her?"

I gulped and Josh turned around and smiled. "Kesha! It's like I haven't seen you for years!" he exclaims as I roll my eyes.

I look at my side and see Kesha and it's like slow motion....

She was grinning widely. Her clothes awhile ago were replaced by a yellow-ish crop top with the word, 'LIAR', blue Abercrombie skinny jeans and red Converse. Her brown, curly hair is tied up in a ponytail and her lips are red.

She looked at my way and her smile grew even wider. But I could already tell it was....


Typical Kesha. I thought, smirking.

"Hahaha! Josh you are so funny. Well, we're also quite the same," she says as they both high-five.

"Oh and yes, I found her. Abigail! Come!" Josh said and I groan as I head their way.

I flip my hair trying to be cool as I walk to their way. Kesha looks at me and her smile fades.

Once I am closer, I plaster my fake smile at Kesha and say, "Hi Kesha. I see you've....changed," She grins and my smile fades.

"You too, Abigail," she says my name with emphasis. I grin at her and she places her hands on her hips.

"And by change I mean you're clothes. Finally decided on a new trend?"

My smile fades (again!) and I cross my arms over my chest. Oh so that's how you are when there's a fight going on, huh. I can do better Kesha. Just wait and a big, mean comment is gonna come up my throat any second. I thought, looking at the roof above me.

"Hey guys. Oh Abigail! You're back, bestie!" A familiar voice says and I smile back.

"Lancie! I mean Lance! Sorry," I exclaim as I pass by Kesha, casually bumping her shoulder and not saying sorry.

Ha. There. Got ya Kesha.

I meet Lance's brown eyes and hug him tight, him hugging me back.

We pull away after five seconds and Lance grins widely. "I missed you..." his voice trails off and I smile.

"I missed you too.."


I close my eyes frustratedly when I hear her clearing her throat. A big, mean comment is right at the tip of my tongue now and I'm trying so hard not to yell it at her face.

"Hey guys! Let's try that dancing game thing," Arianne tells us, Patricia following close behind with a wrapper from Burger Time and a soda can of Coke in her other hand.

"It's called Just Dance, Aria," Patricia says, looking at Arianne with a 'duh' look.

We all burst out laughing and Arianne frowns.

"Whatever. Let's go, go, go!" Arianne exclaims excitedly and we all follow her to the Just Dance game.

Me and Lance walk side by side and I got a feeling somebody was watching us. I look around and immediately meet a pair of eyes filled with anger and hatred. I looked at her and she rolled her eyes before looking away.

Mean much, Kesha?

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