Chapter-Twenty Eight

Start from the beginning

I smiled. I had my friend back. He always knew how to make it better. "Thank you, that was really sweet of you."

"Come on, mom and Uncle T. Y'all will miss it."

Terrence and I laughed.

"I guess we need to get started." I placed two slices of pizza on Terrence's plate and one on mine.

"I guess so."

The rest of the night was awesome. Little L and Terrence had the most fun. Terrence was great with him. They wrestled and played video games. I sat and watched them play like two little boys and enjoyed every minute of it.

"Okay, Okay, I said as I clapped my hands together "It's eight thirty, and it's bedtime for one of you."

"Awh, Mom, can't I stay up just a little longer?" Little L asked.

"I don't think so, Mr. You have to bathe and get ready for bed. And stop looking at me with those eyes."

"Please, Mom. I'm having so much fun with Uncle T."

"Listen to your mom. She knows what is best."

"I just haven't had this much fun in forever, Uncle T," he said.

"That's right. I forgot to tell you that we can do this any time you want because I live right here in this building, just one floor down." Terrence said as he pointed to the floor.


"Really. Apartment 9o6. Now, if you go to bed, I will be back tomorrow to beat you in video games."

"Okay, Mom, I'm ready for bed now!" he said as he walked toward his bedroom.

"Wow, that was easy. I wish I would have thought of that."

"Well, everyone can't be as gifted as I." he said with a phony British accent.

"Yeah, because it takes brains to act like a child when you're an adult," I said, throwing the pillow at him off the couch.

"You know that only shows jealousy."

"Whatever, I will be back."

"Okay, I'll be here," he said as he smiled at me and put the pillow back on the couch.

After Little L went into the bathroom to take a bath, I went to his room to take out his pj's and heard Terrence's phone ring.

He screamed, "I'll be back in about five."

"Okay, I'll be here." then I whispered to myself "Who was that, Mrs. Almond oh, I'm sorry, Teresa? Then I rolled my eyes as if it were someone there to see me.

I went back into the living room to wait for Terrence to come back. It had been over five minutes, so I started to clean up our mess. I went into the kitchen to wash the few dishes we had used.

"Hey, I'm back."

I jumped and grabbed my chest. "You Scared me."

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to," he said as he closed the door. "Can I make it up to you?" he lifted his arm, and in his hand was this white box with two white satin straps. "I have a peace offering. The best brownies that you will ever taste."

"Mmmm, since you put it that way. I guess I can forgive you." I said with a little smile.

"Let me finish this up then we can have some ice cream and brownies," he said as he grabbed the rag from my hand. "Go in the living room, kick your feet up, and relax."

"I have it. You don't have to."

"You invited me to the best night I have had in months. The least I can do is help you clean. Just go put your feet up, and I will bring you over a warm brownie and ice cream as soon as I finish."

"Okay, you talked me into it." I said as I held my hands up as if I surrendered.

"I always know the right things to say."

"Okay," I said as I swayed my hand back and forth, "I guess you are gifted in one way."

"I'm gifted in a lot of ways," he said.

"Well, you'll have to show me one day," I said as I winked my eye.

What and the fuck is wrong with me? I thought to myself. Why am I flirting with him? Don't run him away...again.

"Just let me know when," he said as he smiled.

"Well, I'm going to go and wait for my dessert," I said as he called my bluff.

About fifteen minutes later, Terrence came in with two bowls with the brownies and ice cream in them.

"Would you like me to make some coffee?" he asked, handing me my bowl. "I mean If I could get that spaceship to work. It has so many buttons and knobs on it." he laughed.

"No, thank you. I'm fine. Thank you for the desert, though." I patted the space next to me and said, please have a seat and enjoy your dessert. You have done more than enough."

He sat down and said, "Go ahead, taste, and tell me what you think?"

I took a spoon full. It was the best brownie I had tasted by far.

"So, what do you think? Was I right, or was I right?"

"I don't know. I have tasted better," I said as I smiled.


"No, not really. This is the best brownie that I have ever tasted, honestly."

"The first time I tasted Alex's brownies, I instantly thought of you," he said as he gazed at me.

"Did you? That is so sweet." I said.

"I try."

Then his phone rang.

"Excuse me for a minute," he said as he got off the chair and walked onto the balcony.

Two minutes later, he walked in and said, "I am so sorry; I have to leave. I don't mean to leave like this. I was really having a nice time, but something has come up, and I really have to go. Can I get a rain check, please?" he said as he placed his hand up to his mouth in a begging motion.

"How can I say no to that? Of course, you can have a rain check."

"Thank you." then he went running out of the apartment.

I grabbed my bowl and water and went to my room to snuggle under the covers and watch the television.

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