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!Edward's POV!

I came from my hunting to our cousin's house in Alaska where everyone was sitting with a grim expression.

"What happened?" I frowned and then heard Carlisle's thoughts but he interrupted me.

"We are moving to Rome" He said but I didn't showed my shock or you can say I am feeling numb.

I have no information on Nova and Alice also didn't had any vision which is why now I have accepted the fact that she is now dead.

The hole in heart had intensified ten times. I thought I was protecting her by staying away from her but turns out thar I'm the selfish one who left his only love to suffer alone. But I have also made a decision.

If Nova can't live anymore I also don't have a wish to live in this world without her.

Just a little more time so that I can repay for everything my family has done for me.

"When?" I asked and Carlisle sighed.

"Tonight" I nodded and started to go upstairs but then Alice stopped me.

"You are not going to ask why?" She said making me roll my eyes in annoyance.

"Why?" I gave her a fake, tight smile and she huffed in response.

"I am joining as the personal doctor of the second richest man in the world, Luca Armani" I raised my eyebrows and hummed at him before continuing my way upstairs to pack my things.

Italy it is.

!Nova's POV!

"Where are we going, beautiful?" This guy hasn't stopped and now it's irritating. 

"Keep talking Luke and I'll make sure you'll never be able to talk again." I said without even looking at him and heard him mutter something.

"Okay mam" he saluted and I rolled my eyes at him taking him to the back of the cafe.

I opened the small metal door and signalled him to enter.

"And I'll trust you that you're not plotting against me" He smiled at him and I couldn't help my left eye which kept twitching from annoyance.

"Trust me, if I want to kill you, I would never take you inside some room, I'll shoot you at the centre of a crossroad." I said glaring at him and I'm pretty sure he was shocked judging by his face.

"Oh sweetheart I didn't knew you would be a heartbreaker" He said and I took a deep, frustrated breath and signalled him to enter and this time by God's grace he went inside without any complains or remarks.

I entered the room after him. It was basically a storage room and Jared said he would meet me here so that's no problem.

"Ooo are we here for party?" Luke asked and my confused gaze moved to him only to see him taking a muffin.

I let out a laugh cause it's better than crying.

"Keep that fucking muffin back Luke!" I exclaimed and he quickly kept it back and acted as if a child had got scolded infront of all his friends.

The door of the storage room opened and we both looked at the person who entered.

And thank god Jared was finally here.

"Hey, sorry it was a big line of costumers" He said quickly and I waved it off.

"It's alright" I said and we both shared a smile.

"Oky, who the hell is he?" Luke asked and I rubbed my temples.

"Luke this is Jared, Jared, Luke" I introduced each other and Jared nodded at him but Luke just looked at him questionably.

My Love from the Stars (OC X EDWARD CULLEN)Where stories live. Discover now