Series of Events.

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It was almost 10pm now. The men from the Lair were still not here. Amidst the chaos that we all were in right now, Namjoon hyung's life was in danger and there was nothing bigger than that..

One more hour passed. The growing anxiety had led to frustration by now..

Soon we heard the gates open and cars halting. A few men dressed in black, fully armed entered the mansion, pushing out everyone that came in the way.

The doors of the hall opened and we all stood our grounds with hands on the triggers to fire anytime if anyone dared take a step.

"Young Master, orders are to take you back." Said one of the guys.

"Which young master are you talking to?? There are 5 present here right now."  Sunghoon replied with a question.

"JEON JUNGKOOK." The man replied and all heads turned to Jungkook.

"Go back home. And tell my parents I am not coming." Jungkook replied with no reaction at all.

"Orders are to bring you alive or dead." The man replied and thats it.

Taehyung fired bullets in the heads of the two men who stood in the hall.

"JK, call home. Check if your parents are okay. It's a trap." Taehyung quickly reacted.

"Shot down every man that has entered the mansion. Right now. That's an order." Taehyung barked on the intercom.

"Hyung, you go home. I will to my mansion. Suga hyung, you stay here, Hobi hyung, Jimin, come with me. Namjoon hyung, Jin hyung, can you??" JK ordered everyone and then requested the others.

"We will. Go on.. Don't forget to call for help." Namjoon hyung assured him.

"Sunghoon, you stay here. Help them." JK said patting Sunghoon's shoulder who quickly agreed.

Gunshots were fired and everybody from their post imdividually informed all the men that had entered were now dead.

Just then one of my men came running again.

"Boss, they're here. Finally." And that was enough for us to know who was here.

I thought Jungkook and rest had left. But what are they doing here still? Will talk to them later.

I went out to recieve Elijah. He looked more old, but still strong.

"Elijah, how have you been." I greeted him and embraced him in a hug.

"My Lord, I left as soon as your message was delievered. He has appeared after so many years. Is Namjoon-?" I knew he would ask.

"No, hyung is safe. At least for now." I replied to him.

"Good. Lets get in." And we walked inside the conference hall.

"Elijah.. long time." Everybody greeted him before we took our seats.

"Did he say anything or tell what his plans are? Once he says, we can't refuse him." Elijah asked me.

"No. Not yet. Having you here was his idea. I have told him, that I will follow whatever he says. I just need to give him access without anyone knowing. Can't risk exposing his identity." I told him.

"Okay, first, my men have surrounded the mansion. And, one more important thing. The Jeons are safe. I have stationed a few men there too. So relax. You did right killing those men.. They were sent to kill JK. And ofcourse since everyone was here, you would get killed as well." Elijah explained and first thing I did was hug Jungkook.

FIRE & FUEL | TAEKOOK| COMPLETEDUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum