A Mistake Irreversible..

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After getting Bogum to a  safe place, I laid him against the wall. I looked at him and then down at his wound. He wouldn't make it to the safe. I gave him a squeeze on the shoulder before wiping my own tears.

"I'm sorry, Bogum. Tae-" I felt like I was being choked and words wouldn't come out.

"Jimin-shi, even you know, he's not in his right mind. Or else he would hurt himself, before hurting me. It's okay. You don't have to apologize. But, where is JK?" He asked me.

Both me and Soobin exchanged looks with wide eyes.

"Fvck!!!" We both cursed at the same time.

Just then we heard the sound of gunshots being fired. I closed my eyes tight and my head low. I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Go, see if JK is fine. Taehyung really loves him. If he even unknowingly hurts him, Taehyung will kill himself. Go, don't worry about me." Bogum urged me despite he being about to...

"Soobin, stay here with him. Don't let him sleep. Okay?" And I left Soobin with this responsibility, running out to see if Taehyung hurt JK.


"Soobin, stay here with him. Don't let him sleep, Okay?" Jimin hyung told me and he left.

"I promise, I will." I yelled behind his back.

I looked down at Bogum hyung, his breathing was becoming very ragged. With every breath, he lost a little more blood. I prayed that everything was fine with Taehyung hyung and JK hyung.

That's it, I will take you to the safe myself. No matter what. 

As I put my arm around Bogum hyung's shoulder, he stopped me. And raised his head to look at him.

"Hyung, let me take you there, please." I begged him, but he shook his head.

"Soobin, thanks (breathes heavily). I- I appreciate you- your help. But, now even you know, I won't make it upto there. But help me with- with one thing. My- My last wish please." Hyung said taking heavy breaths.

Tears started flowing from my eyes as soon as he mentioned his last wish. 

"Tell me, hyung. I promise I will do anything you want." I said after a while.

"Don't, okay, don't let Taehyung know that my death, that he hurt me. He won't be able to take it.  Tell him, that I, I was (coughs up blood)-" He stopped talking.

He was coughing up blood now. I held him close so I could hear him.

"Hyung, please don't talk. I promise, Taehyung hyung will never know about this. I promise you. Please don't talk. Jimin hyung will come soon and we will save you. Please." I pleaded.

Jimin hyung come soon, please I can't .. Hyung where are you? Bogum hyung is dying, please come soon. God please save him, please.

I hated myself that I was so weak to not even being able to save one person who was dear to my Taehyung hyung, how will I save hyung if ever he is in danger again?

I felt Bogum hyung's hand slip away on its own. He had stopped moving. I held my trembling finger under his nose to feel his breath, but he wasn't breathing.

"Hyung, hyung, wake up hyung. Don't scare me, please. Hyung, open your eyes hyung." I cried shaking him lightly but failed.

I couldn't help myself but cry now. I couldn't do anything. I just hugged him and cried and cried till I finally felt a pair of arms going around me and holding me close while stroking my hairs and patting my back. 

"He's dead. Bogum hyung is dead." I muttered a several times.

"It's okay, it's okay.. you did a great job of being with him in his last moments." The person was trying to console me.

"He made me promise.. that.. that Taehyung hyung should never know that.." I trailed off.

"I get it. I will make sure of it.  I will just kill anybody apart from me, Jimin hyung, JK hyung and  you, whoever knows it. So that Taehyung hyung will never know about it. I promise." The person said.

Wait, he called Jimin hyung Taehyung hyung and JK hyung as "Hyung". Who is he? And he even promised me. But why does he feel so warm, his heartbeats are calming.

I looked up to see a pair of eyes looking at me. There was concern, worry and.. and love in them.

"Sorry, my name is Yeonjun. You can call me hyung." He said and then helped me lower Bogum hyung's body on the floor which was in my arms all this while.

"Hyung, how is JK hyung? Jimin hyung isn't back yet." I said worriedly. 

"I did hear the gunshots. I am sorry, but I honestly have no idea about it." He replied to me.

"Soobin, Soobin," Somebody called my name as if calling for help.

We both turned around and saw Jimin hyung all covered in blood. We ran as fast as we could and held Jimin hyung from both sides. We came back to our original place where we were hiding.

"Hyung, what happened are you hurt? Hyung, please say something." I begged him while crying.

Why am I such a mess?????

"How is Bogum?" Was his first question, but I just shook my head while crying.

"Hyung, he's dead. Just a few minutes ago." Yeonjun hyung replied.

"But are you hurt, hyung?" Yeonjun hyung asked Jimin hyung who nodded.

"Somebody dared shoot at me, with a silencer on the gun. He was behind the wall across and I didn't see him. But he's dead. One of our men shot him as soon as he was out." Jimin hyung replied.

"Let's go to the safe. It's dangerous here. Yeonjun help Soobin carry Bogum. I will manage myself. Come on."  Jimin hyung said and we nodded.

But I noticed that he knowingly avoided the JK hyung topic. He didn't say anything. I hope JK hyung is fine and Taehyung hyung too.

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