Prologue (contd..)

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"Honey, it's Tae's birthday tomorrow, how about we take him to his favourite park? He loves to play there." Mrs. Kim said smiling to her husband.

Mr Kim, was a the most famous Arms and Ammunition manufacturer and No.1 in the Fighter aircrafts and advanced powerful computer based missiles manufacturing. He was known not only for this, but also as a very down-to-earth person. But he also had his secret identity of a ruthless mafia.

"Yes, alright. No issues. But you how difficult it is for our family to just go out. But I promise. I will make sure to cancel all the appointments and meetings for tomorrow.

Mrs. Kim looked sad at her husband's reply. Mr. Kim cupped his wife's face in his hands and said "Darling, don't worry. You know I hate to see you sad." He smiled at her and kissed her forehead, in turn getting Mrs. Kim to smile.

"You just know how to make up very quickly. I love you." Mrs. Kim loved her husband for his honesty and understanding. She would never get tired of him.

Suddenly they heard some giggling sounds and found little Tae hiding behind the couch. They tiptoed towards him and caught him and tickled him. Seeing him laugh made their hearts bleed with joy. They had nothing to give to him except lots of love. They lived for this.


Tae was dressed in a black jeans, white shirt and tiny shoes, his hair combed backwards and cute glasses. He would still steal many hearts with this looks even when he was young.

While on their way to the park, they stopped at the red light. Tae was on the back seat at the window of their Bentley. While at the window, Tae saw a car that stopped besides their car. Their car looked very exotic just like theirs.

Suddenly the glasses rolled down and he saw a boy peeking out. Blue eyes, silky hairs fair skin, he looked like an angel.

"Mommy, there's a cute boy over there." He said pointing towards the Rolls Royce.

Mr. & Mrs. Kim were in disbelief when they heard him and they giggled. 

"See, honey, I've told you many times. He is just like you in your school days. Very flirty." Mrs. Kim said looking at Tae waving and smiling at the boy in the car next to theirs.

Mr. & Mrs. Kim were shocked at this side of their kid. Before they could react, Tae waved his tiny hand at the boy again in front of him. The boy smiled at waved back.

"Hi my name is Tae... Taehyung. What's your name?"

"Hi buddy, My name is ------

Before the boy could even say his name the red light changed to green and the cars went off their way.

"Jungkook." The boy in Rolls Royce said to himself and smiled.

FIRE & FUEL | TAEKOOK| COMPLETEDحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن