A Funny Flower Told Me

Start from the beginning

"Alright", I began, "We need to fan out and split up. Flowey is extremely dangerous, and we need to stop him ASAP." I walked into the middle of the group. "Go with whoever you want, but do not engage Flowey. Just call the rest of us if you ever spot him." I faced Jenny. "I'll need you to go and find the girls. We'll need all the help we can get." Jenny nodded. "Let's do this guys!" Everyone let out cheers, and we all split up.

I was joined back with Izzy, Manolo, Maria and Gladius as we dashed down a road that followed the beach. The city down this way wasn't as wrecked, but the damage was still noticeable.

"So, what's the complete plan?" Manolo asked.

I came to a full stop, making my friends stumble a bit. "I... I don't know..." My mind began to work for any sort of idea. "Because Flowey could be anywhere..."

"Well, we can't just stand around, let's go!" Izzy cheered. We all stared at her in flabbergasted shock, as she was now wearing camo face paint, a headband, and night vision goggles.

"Izzy... where did you get all of that?" Maria asked, looking at Izzy carefully.

"I always knew the pretty flowers on Wawanaka couldn't be trusted. They were always looking at me...", The Psycho Hose Beast growled, ignoring the question. "We're on borrowed time, people. Explosivo will lead us to our target." She let out a war cry that was more akin to a dying cat, and dashed ahead. We all jumped at her sudden action, and chased after her.

"She is insane!" Gladius shouted. "Izzy, slow down!"

"And we let her join us why, exactly?" Maria said, giving us a light glare.

"Because she helped us with the movie lot monster", I answered, "And because I have a soft spot for crazy."

"That's comforting", Manolo said. We returned to chasing the redhead, shouting her name for her to stop.


We had checked out at least a complete 6 city blocks, and I was absolutely spent. I rested my aching legs, sitting between Manolo and Maria on a bench. Izzy was lying on the ground in front of us, groaning about how her legs felt like they were gonna shatter. Gladius hovered above us, idly letting time go by as he glanced at people cleaning up the last of the red flowers. The sword hummed as he continued to scan the surroundings.

"What's up with you, Gladius?" Manolo asked.

"I'm just surprised how quickly everyone is moving on", he said, his attention grabbed by a store that was opening for the rest of the day. "The city was on the brink of destruction, and they all just act like nothing happened."

"That's what happens when you live in a comedy cartoon with superheroes", I said, "It's just another day."

Maria raised an eyebrow, then looked over the whole street. "Seriously?"

"You two had your wedding right after a murderous bandit king invaded your town", I shot back playfully, pointing between both wooden people. "So you got nothing to say."

Maria gaped at me while Manolo chuckled and Izzy giggled. Gladius looked down lazily, and even if he couldn't show it, I could tell he was grinning. Maria scoffed at their reactions, crossing her arms and pouting. I smiled at her, and she rolled her eyes and smirked back.

"I guess that's fair", she said, giving me a playful shove. I closed my eyes as I let out a laugh, and when I opened them again...

I was standing back at the dock looking out into the ocean.

My eyes bulged, and I looked to either side. Steve was back to my right, and he was just as floored.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Majima screamed. Me, Steve and Gladius all spun around and saw the rest of the gang, standing back like hours before. It was like nothing happened.

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