"I know you are jealous, but look around. We can't stop this. It's good publicity for our restaurant. See how busy it is even before we fully open it," he said while putting his hands over his hips. It made me move my eyes around our half-opened restaurant. He was right; it was all crowded with customers. I bit my lower lip in annoyance. I can't stop it just because I'm jealous that my husband is surrounded by his fans. It's going to happen every time he's in public.

Wait a minute.

Am I being this obvious?

"I'm not jealous," I said as a humourless chuckle left my mouth. "I asked you to stop this because those girls won't let me walk in," I scoffed while rolling my eyes. I tried to act normal as if it were not affecting me.

"It's a good thing. Problem solved; we don't have to stop anything because now you are standing inside," he snickered with a smirk on his face. His words said he believed me, but his eyes said he didn't. I glared at him, but he ignored it.

"Now come on, I don't have time to chit-chat. We are running short on people; let's get to work," he said while getting aprons from the counter and tossing them towards me and Sophia. I caught it before it could land on my face.

"It's going to be a long day," Sophia exclaimed while grabbing a notepad from the pocket of the apron. I exhaled too and walked to the kitchen to help dad. I got busy preparing orders, forgetting all my jealousy grabbing a notepad from the pocket of the apron. I exhaled too and walked to the kitchen to help dad. I got busy preparing orders, forgetting all my jealousy. Orders kept coming in, and I kept preparing them.

"Sage, why don't you take a break? I will prepare the rest of the orders. Logan walked into the kitchen while tying an apron around his torso. It made me look at him.

"Weren't you busy handling the fangirls?" I almost taunted him while looking at him. Dad chuckled at my comment. He breathed out while grabbing the recent order.

"Yeah, I was, but now Elijah is handling it," he said while still reading the order list.

"Why did this happen?" dad asked while stirring the vegetables.

"I don't want Sophia to jump over them and make them go bald because they gave their number to me. She was giving death threats to all the women with her eyes,'' he said, looking up from the order list. He shivered at the last part. I could imagine her jumping over those women. A chuckle passed my lips. I decided to take a break.

"Good luck for tonight," I said while patting his back. I could feel her because my husband needs some luck to survive the night. Saying that I walked out of the kitchen. I grabbed the bottle of water with me, feeling thirsty. I was tired after standing for so long and continuously preparing orders. I walked out of the restaurant for fresh air. I was about to drink water when the bottle was snatched out of my hand.

"Thank you, here is the money." Rebecca's girl put money in my hand.

"Hey, that's my bottle," I complained with an annoyed look on my face.

"I gave you the money to get another one. This one is for Chef Xanthus. He is thirsty," she said dreamily before running to him. I glared at her and gritted my teeth. She gave him the bottle of water. He gladly drank from it. He was sitting on his chair like a king, as if a big fan meeting was going on. It was like he was their king and all of them were his minions. I bit my lower lip and stomped my feet in annoyance. I can't even drink water in peace! I thought while shooting draggers in his way. Now it was getting on my nerves. I walked towards them with a determined look in my eyes. All of them protested not letting me walk, but I did give up. His grey eyes looked at me in amusement as he stood up. But it didn't last when I grabbed his hand in a tight grip and looked at everyone with a tight smile on my face. The glares and drags were thrown at me. I was not satisfied with this, so I said the next thing, making them gasp in horror.

"I would like to have my husband back now."


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