If he had just asked him to shoot a flying beetle in the middle of the distance with a gun, it is estimated that fifteen bullets in the gun would be empty, and he would be thankful if two bullets hit the target.

    If you want to shoot like Song Sitan with a gun and hit the head and abdomen of the flying beetle with every bullet, you probably won't be able to have this miraculous marksmanship without practicing for a year or so.

    Qi Zhou was astonished, and released a bubble to bring the remaining flying beetles to the ground. After everyone killed them together, he couldn't help but look at Song Sitan and said, "How did you practice your marksmanship? It's so powerful What?"

    The shooting coach has always been blamed by Jiang Li for helping Song Sitan, so this time Song Sitan also pointed to Jiang Li beside him and said, "He taught it." Hearing this, the corners of Qi Zhou's mouth twitched and he was speechless


    Before that, Qi Zhou was going to show off his ability in front of Song Sitan, but now, although he showed his ability, it didn't achieve the expected effect at all.

    But whatever, so what if his marksmanship is superb, he is one of the awakened ones in a million!

    Although he was thinking wildly in his heart, Qi Zhou did not lose his efforts when killing the swarm, and everyone worked together as a team.

    Ten minutes later, Song Sitan and his party finally saw the heavily armed military personnel and the surrounding armed transport vehicles at the end of the street. Under the command of the officers, the base residents were busy transporting ammunition supplies to the front line.

    The closer you get to the No. 5 bug nest area, the more you can feel the astonishing number of bug swarms in the surrounding area.

    The dense swarm of insects that soared into the sky in the distance, every time the ammunition covered the air, they all scattered towards the ground like rain.

    But even under such a dense ammunition cover, dense swarms of insects still gushed out from the underground insect nest.

    Although Song Sitan and the others couldn't see the swarms of insects on the ground temporarily because of the sandbags in front of the street, but just seeing the density of beetles flying in mid-air, almost everyone couldn't help but get goosebumps.

    Seeing this scene, Liu Gang couldn't help swallowing hard and said, "Oh my god! So many beetles all flew out from the ground? How big is this super mutant underground beetle? It can actually reproduce in the ground. So many bugs!"

    "If a big living person came over here, the only bones left to be eaten by these bugs in an instant!"

    The residents in the team were discussing.

    Seeing this, the commanding officer took them into a large military command camp for a shooting test under the cover of the front army.

    Since most of the residents of the base are ordinary people who have never touched a gun, the content of the shooting test is bullet loading, ammunition loading and fixed target shooting.

    After three shooting opportunities, all the ammunition hits the target within the fifth ring, and the subterranean beetle can be killed with a gun. If the shooting test fails, it will be taken directly to assist in the delivery of battlefield materials.

    In such a chaotic battlefield, material delivery personnel running all over the field may not be much safer than combatants.

    So Song Sitan, Jiang Li, and their group of four, plus Liu Gang and the other five base residents in the team all passed the shooting test, plus Qi Zhou and his four soldiers, a total of seventeen people, all led by Yan Yuan Arrange to go to the top floor of a nearby high-rise building to cover the snipers to snipe the mutant mother worms and guard beetles on the ground.

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