Start from the beginning

"Rosie, do you really think there's a secret you have that's so bad you can't tell me?" he asks.

"It's not safe, Jack" Rosalind says.

"When have we ever been safe, Rosie? Now, our people have been cursed, hunted, exiled. But Hayley and I, this wedding? We can change all that. We can create a new pack, one with your ability to turn at will! So, we give each other our secrets. If we don't, then the transfer of power won't work, and we're back to where we were" he says.

Rosalind bites her lip anxiously, still looking hesitant.

"Look, even if we call off the wedding, there's still something that I need to tell you" Jackson says.

"Jack, I'm sure you've lived quite the life, but I can't imagine that your secrets are anything like mine" Rosalind says.

"There's one" He takes a deep breath "That has to do with...how your parents died"

Rosalind's and Hayley's face falls, and they turns to face him, both eager and worried to hear what he has to say.


Mary is in the middle of chopping up potatoes, tomatoes and peppers in her home when Klaus appears in her doorway. She senses his presence and turns to face him, and he smiles at her as she clutches her knife in her hand protectively.

"What do you want?" she asks suspiciously.

"Well, we could start with some common courtesy. You could invite me in?" he asks smirking.

"Not likely, vampire" she scoffs.

"I'm a hybrid, dear. Half-wolf. You and I could be distant relatives, for all you know! Matter of fact, I'm looking for another of my kind" he says "a beautiful and stubborn blonde. Rumor has it she's nearby"

"What do you want with Rosie?" Mary asks.

"I wish only to remind her of the importance of family. Dissuade her from foolish mistakes" Klaus says skeptically.

"Jackson's with her now and so is Hayley. They can look out for each other. Why don't you just leave them alone?" Mary snaps.

"Well, perhaps I should. Clearly, I can trust Jackson's selfless nature, as willing as he is to marry Hayley and save her from the horrors of her current existence, even though he was more than wiling to take Rosie's hand instead"  he says "And, in exchange for nothing more than an empowered werewolf pack to serve as his own personal army. Hmm. You know, on second thought, I think I'd like to congratulate the bride and groom"

Mary looks alarmed at Klaus, who seems amused by it.

"No doubt Hayley and Jackson are by, attending to their prenuptial observances" He slams his hand against the door frame "And since you've been unable to help me find them, well...I suppose I'll have to hunt them down myself, won't I?"

Mary looks at him nervously as he vamp-speeds away.

Meanwhile, deep in the Bayou, Jackson has brought Rosalind and Hayley to a makeshift graveyard.

"What is this place?" Rosalind asks.

"It's where wolves bury those who walk away from the pack. Traitors, murderers...like this one" he answers.

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