Start from the beginning

"Get you what?" Serena asked confused.

"A bite, a scratch, stand underneath the moonlight, sprinkle some magic dust, whatever it takes to get me to be like you three." Jackson stated.

Serena frowned her dark brows at Jackson. "What are you talking about?"

"I know what you are, you're just like him, aren't you, you two are Werewolves." Jackson confidently smirked.

"What?" Serena asked amused.

Sabrina had a straight expression on her face, blankly staring at Jackson. "Don't make me laugh."

"Oh, don't give me that look, just because i found out your little secret." Jackson scoffed.

"Are you really that dumb or are you just naturally blonde?"

Jackson seemed to fume at the girl's response.

"Oh, angry, are you? I tend to be a specialist at that." Sabrina smirked.

"Get it for me...or, Allison finds out." Jackson threatened, smirking at her.

Sabrina's expression then changed, her blankly staring at him.

After Jackson had walked away from the three teens, Scott then quickly caught their attention.

"You want me to steal?" Sabrina gaped at Scott in shock.

"No, just borrow it." Scott corrected.

"She's never going to let me have it." Sabrina then states.

"Then steal it!" Scott says in frustration.

"What does Allison's necklace has to do with Derek's dead sister?" Serena asked confused.

"A lot, so, could you guys, just..." Scott hopefully asked.

Sabrina rolled her eyes at Scott, then shrugging. "Sure."


Walking down the halls, was Serena and Sabrina, a nervous look on Serena's face, whilst Sabrina seemed calm.

"You seem awfully calm, knowing that we're about to steal your girlfriend's necklace." Serena states.

"It's for a good cause, isn't it?" Sabrina states.

"Are we really doing this?" Serena asked, sighing out.

"Mhm, take a little distraction from you breaking poor Vampy's heart." Sabrina smirked.

"I didn't break his heart!" Serena quickly says.

"Fine, you broke my future brother-in-law's heart." Sabrina corrected.

"What? We're not getting married, that's a little far ahead, isn't it?" Serena frowned her dark brows at her.

"Do you see yourself with anyone else?" Sabrina asked curiously.

Serena just stayed silent, Sabrina humming at her silence.


Inside the widened pool, that was filled with water at the brim, Allison and Jackson was swimming around.

Allison was seen quickly swimming up to the surface, to see Jackson already at the near end.

"You beat me again!" Allison laughed out.

"I have an unfair advantage..." Jackson trailed off with a smirk.

Jackson then traced his face, with a smirk. "You see these cheekbones? Aerodynamically suited for speed in the water."

Allison just lightly laughed at his choice of words.

"So, are you going to the winter formal?" Jackson curiously asked.

"...i'm not sure." Allison hesitantly says.

"Why not? What about Bree? Oh, right...the whole thing with Scott, if i were you, i'd dump her on the spot, you shouldn't trust a girl like that, if she's not loyal to you, who would she be loyal to, right?" Jackson scoffed.

Serena and Sabrina was seen nearby the wall, out of sight.

Serena could tell that her sister seemed to be getting angry at ever second, like a firey rage was boiling in her, she could literally feel it.

"No, don't, Bree, come on, i got the necklace." Serena whisper shouted.

Sabrina just sighed out at her sister. "Take the necklace and go."

"Bree..." Serena warningly says.

A smile then appeared on Sabrina's face, nodding assuringly.

Serena stared at her hesitantly, staying there for a while, then soon enough left.


Sabrina had think Serena left, but Serena didn't, instead...she was nearby the wall, she didn't exactly trust her sister's smile, she knew she was up to something.

Who would know her sister better than her, besides her?

Sabrina's dark orbs glared at the dirty blonde haired teen, looking at the water that surrounded Allison and Jackson.


Sabrina whispered, starting at the water, she then saw a line of fire appearing in water, shock and horror in Jackson's eyes.

Serena's eyes widened in shock, seeing what her sister had done.

Sabrina then spun around, walking away, smirking at the panicked screams.

"Bree, what the hell!" Serena scolded.

"What?" Sabrina asked with a smile.

"Fire! How did fire even appear in the water?!" Allison freaked out.

"Oh my god." Serena gave her sister a warning glance.

Serena then went towards the pool area, staying far away, but close to the pool.


Serena whispered out, swiping her hand across the air, dousing out the fire.

Serena then walked away, going towards her sister, who innocently stared at her.

"Why'd you do that?" Sabrina pouted.

"You could've killed them!" Serena whisper shouted, pulling her with her.

"I was just giving a little scare." Sabrina shrugged.

"You shouldn't even playing with fire like that, don't you remember-." Serena was quick to remind her.

Sabrina quickly snapping at her, remembering that terrible memory. "I was nine! And that only happened once! Besides...they survived."

"Bree-." Serena was saying, placing her hand on her shoulder.

Sabrina breathing out, softly staring at her, quietly whispering. "Can we just leave?"

Sabrina then walked away, Serena sighing out, then quickly following after her.



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