Qingchi Lianyang looked directly at the previous pair of bloodshot round eyes. The upper part of the adult male's head protruded from the table, the broken hair and the bloody wound on the forehead were stuck together, and the bridge of the nose was crooked to one side, very hideous.

    You guessed it, it's a human head.

    Qingchi Lianyang raised his hand, and he could touch the hanging hand without going too high. Judging from the hardness and temperature, he had been dead for about four or five hours.

    Was someone grabbing her hair from behind and hitting the table, resulting in contusion and laceration of the brain, and death from brain stem injury?


    Qingchi Lianyang suddenly felt a little dull.

    The living are indeed boring creatures.

    Committing the crime of killing one's own kind because of an argument, 'on the spur of the moment', and -

    too badly.

    The more gaudy the killing technique, the more clues and flaws will be left behind.

    Aoike Renyang is a novelist.

    He wrote mysteries and horror novels, the latter more so.

    In order to find inspiration, he confuses himself as a half-detective, chasing cases everywhere, only to find inspiration for novels among those grim corpses.

    A corpse would be more affectionate to Aoike Lianyang than a living person.

    Because they are quiet and eternal - even if the flesh / body rots, the voice and smile will be frozen forever.

    Because of this, Qingchi Lianyang was also evaluated by the first adoptive father as a natural policeman, and wanted him to apply for the police academy, but was rejected by Qingchi Lianyang.

    "People who are not afraid of corpses are more suitable to be murderers than policemen." "

    ...Then you should stop being a policeman, because the police can't afford to keep ghosts." The man who is a policeman said sincerely: "

    But you You are so sensitive to corpses and investigations, it would be a waste of talent to be a lawyer or a doctor... If you have it, you can become a novelist, Qingchi." Mr. Police is clearly over half a year old, but his eyes are dark and bright, as if full of

    vitality A young man, he is always so dazzling and humorous: "Be a rookie in the literary world, a rising star in society!"

    So, Aoike Renyang became a novelist.

    Now, for some reason, his soul has been transferred from a novelist to the teenager who was involved in the murder. Or, another self?

    Qingchi Lianyang blinked, and finally remembered why he thought this corpse was boring just now. Because this face is clearly one of the novelist's adoptive fathers.

    The reason why I say this is because Aoki Lianyang's childhood was a bit rough. Adoptive father is a bit much.

    The long-dead Mr. Policeman is counted as one, this... let’s call him Mr. Writer. Because Qingchi Lianyang didn't remember his name.

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